Number 1 this blog has 2 sections Babysitting & big booty black men. Babysitting I personally believe that babysitting is 4 people with a good mental health. If you babysit you are able 2 take care of yourself and I respect that. I babysit my god sister and I believe I do a damn good job at it. I deserve props and cash. (I get none). At th » Continue Reading
Okay so, I hate the cold. It drives me nutz, I hate when its hot 2. Honestly I love the fall. I love the fall girl aesthetic 2. I hate the summer but you can wear all ur sexy sleeveless stuff. Anywayz I wanna know if you guys like the hot or the cold better? I also wanna go to the mall but my mall doesnt have the stuff I want it'z disgusting. I want to thrift rlly badzzzz XOXO - R0mqniq » Continue Reading