— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
you just know it
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
y'all know some analog horror or ARG is probably gonna blow this place wide open right? i'd almost bet a little money on it. » Continue Reading
"i'm at a computer d'oy."
((2x^2-15)/(x+3))*((x^3-27)/(x^2-9))-((x-5*(x+2))/(x-3) =
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
— 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
y'all know some analog horror or ARG is probably gonna blow this place wide open right? i'd almost bet a little money on it. » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
alright. i've had an account here for over a year but never really done anything with it - so i'm gonna make a go of it. this place is weird for me. had an actual myspace account back in the day and seeing this place is... dude... it's weird. not in a bad way, but wow. i remember just how freakin feisty people would get over the placement of top friends. was a big deal. i'm hoping this place legit... » Continue Reading