Howdy folks! :] I wanted to go ahead and share some byf/int type stuff so you can get to understand me a bit better than just my profile info. These are just tid-bits but I promise I won't bite lol. THINGS TO NOTE: - I have severe social anxiety and paranoia. I tend to overthink a lot and can be a bit emotionally unwell at times, so all I really ask is for patience and time. I just have a bit of i... » Continue Reading
Howdy there folks !! :] This is my handy dandy Do Not Interact list I have conjured up in case you would like to know/steer clear of me. Some of these may seem a bit random, but they are respectfully some of my personal traumas/boundaries to deal with » Continue Reading
Howdy there folks!! I have decided I would love to share my silly worldbuild Crypterra with you all. Crypterra is a Sci-fi fantasy world that follows a the G reat Merge , a phenomenon in which an alternative reality of creature/monsters merged with Earth and humans.. Which caused both wor » Continue Reading