Back to the blue tomorrow 10 days away now it feels like music the chance to get away from the empty containers beneath and across and meta/micro counting the sink and everything in it I always tri to live by the 4 or 5 words my grandmother said back in 86 even if they’re lost she’s lost now same as is the actuality of what she meant What she said and how she lived. 10 days I learned about sy » Continue Reading
Victim TV plays on relentless Only pausing to turn merchant for a while I busy myself looking for the unclicked link 'Dance like a scorpion in a ring of fire' Attempt drowning the blanket coverage with 144p Three, four Paydirt It takes me straight back Back to the time I was sent to school in Scarlet corduroy trousers No amount of Adibo » Continue Reading
Dreams filled with avatars I can stretch the silence forever Far far away is beating right inside my chest descent into pure perception isn't enough fear of the lack thereof is not enough Empathy betrays blue without warning. where truth is » Continue Reading