
Dreams filled with avatars I can stretch the silence forever Far far away is beating right inside my chest descent into pure perception isn't enough fear of the lack thereof is not enough Empathy betrays blue without warning. where truth is anthracite forever. As weak as I have ever been with resolve to restore balance What hope for her What for any of us I'm falling into consummate destruction Decomposition & diffusion sing their charms She holds the reins & the rudder tightly While I hold onto nothing at all But for the drum keeping count with muscle memory answers on the horizon Growing along with her fatigue Look like dying embers

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C.C. 's profile picture

You haven't lost the Midas touch, Frosty. Beautiful stuff. Different than what I am accustomed to reading from you, but pretty fucking grand. Cheers.

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Thank you very much. This one came about backwards way back in 2017, new years eve.
Music being my only muse, the final line is straight stolen from the track I was obsessed with at the time.

Surely vids won't embed?
But yes, this one and maybe one or two other scribblings I think can stand alone & somewhat lucid out of time. I'm cursed with the compulsion to send my future self esoteric messages that didn't particularly make sense even when I conjured them.

Perhaps I'll feel freer to speak plainly here. Refrain permitting. xox

by Frosty; ; Report

I knew it.

by Frosty; ; Report

Yeah, videos, pics, none of it seem to be working here. It's truly old school. I 'll copy the link. I think "stealing " a line from music is what poetry does anyway - all great artists steal;) xoxo

by C.C.; ; Report