My friend, Ethan, found my account and promptly made an Instagram fan page. Because I have a fan page (that he created) he has told my other friends that I'm famous...None of them know that he made the account... This is going to get interesting » Continue Reading
They've found my insta, spacehey and tumblr...they're messing about in the comments of my instagram and they've made a fan account for me...its too late for this. » Continue Reading
In the post about how I look, I mentioned taking a picture of myself to show my hair...but I'm super nervous so I'm going to post it on Insta for a few hours first and if nobodys horrible, I'll post it here. It feels weirdly important, even though I doubt anyone will care. Besides my face is blurred...These are not desisions I should make at midnight I suppose. » Continue Reading
Drink water, take ur meds, follow my insta. It's all the self care you need. (LEGAL DISCLAIMER: it is not all the self care you need.) » Continue Reading
I've been playing genshin recently. I'm AR 32 and World Level 3 but my main DPS does, on average, 200 dmg with normal attacks. I have no idea how to grind for better weapons and artifacts or how to utilise them when I get them. Does anyone have any good websites or something like that? » Continue Reading
I have straight black, dyed hair. When I haven't styled it, it's a bit of a mess. When I don't style it, it looks like Levi Ackerman's hair but it falls to eye level. When I have styled it, it has layers and its swept more to the left of my face, it looks fairly's hard to describe. Maybe I'll post a picture of myself but I'll obsure my face so you can see. I have greyish eyes, it's ha... » Continue Reading
It's been 8 days. I suppose it isn't that long but I dare say my attention is stolen easily. I had almost forgotten about trying to be active on here but there was a small voice, I suppose, at the back of my mind. It led me back to you. Is that cheesy? I want to sound like the kind of guy you'd think to be a gentleman, the one with a soft british accent, the one that you'd bring to your mum. I do... » Continue Reading
Yesterday marks two months since I came out to my family. My mum went through my phone and saw messages about it , I was hurt and upset at the time but now I'm far better and I'm glad she did it. Now, I get to wear clothes I like, go by a name I like and I've started the proccess to get on hormone blockers. This is all exciting and to commemorate that I've expanded my BSL vocabulary and I've lear... » Continue Reading
Quickly, before I head to bed, I wanted to mention that I was accepted to college today. Sure its on a conditional offer, but it has to be. College will be my fresh start. As a trans man, I find it hard to seperate myself and who I used to be, where I am now. Me and her, we aren't the same. We share the same friends, family and memories but we're different. So different. At college, I can be me,... » Continue Reading
I have made my return to spacehey and social media in general, not that anyone would have noticed with how inactive I always am. I'm going to try and post everyday and just give a little about my day. On Insta I've started being more active but thats only lasted a day so far...maybe someone from here will add it, thats kinda the point of linking my insta on my profile but it feels weird to think ... » Continue Reading