Category: SpaceHey
Since we know it takes 3 wipes to know we only needed 2, do we need to go through with the second, and third bullshit covered content? » Continue Reading
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Category: SpaceHey
Since we know it takes 3 wipes to know we only needed 2, do we need to go through with the second, and third bullshit covered content? » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
Trying out some new things that may or may not make it to the usual entries that I do here. black and orange seem interesting. lol. I've released the discord for all to enjoy, and am looking for staff members. If you are inter » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
If you're using Chrome, and would like a darker vanilla profile, check out the Dark Reader extension. It's real nice on the eyes. Link below. Chrome Dark Reader Extension » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
Hello All, I'd like to extend a hand out to invite you all to a discord I've worked on building for the past few days. It's called No-Hate-Cord; and the theme is what the name gives off. No Hate. You're free to speak how you like, and share content however you like Save the following: No hate speech, and no NSFW content is allowed in the server. I aim to build this community up to be included into... » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Let's place your discord server below, so other's can check them out, and help make your server grow! I will place the one I'm building now when I get it done. Discord Name: Other info: » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Having issues building an automated segregated community in this server - so it looks like I'll be building a server for everyone, 13-??? years old. So be it. It's not like I haven't moderated/administrated a large ageless group of degens before. lol. I'll have it up and running within a few days - I've been building for hours it seems like. Time for a rest, and I'll revisit when I wake up. On a s... » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
I'm creating a new Discord tonight. It'll be surrounding non-hate filled living. I'll slap a link to it once I get everything somewhat smoothed out. » Continue Reading
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Category: SpaceHey
I tried to add music to my profile, but was bombarded by shit music, and no way to turn it off. If that stuff bothered me, I could only imagine what it done for randoms visiting my profile. Sorry for that.. lol. Anyhow, I'll be doing tid-bits here and there for the Juggalo group, and the profile. On top of that, I'm setting the foundation stones for a social platform I plan to create. Once I figur... » Continue Reading
— 3 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
I've created a group for Juggalo's and Juggalettes in Spacehey. Just search Juggalo in the groups section - I'm also an active mod in a Discord group, check out that link in my links section. If you have any questions about the above, reach out. » Continue Reading