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dear violet

Category: Blogging

oh, violet.  i'm here on the floor of sasha's grandfather's kitchen & i think the two of you used to be lovers before everything & it's crazy to me that everything happened the way it did but i don't think it really is all that wild.  violet, i've told this story to so many people & i really hope that by telling you here and now it doesn't mean anything different, but that day you drove me me to b... » Continue Reading

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the dirt & senseless beauty

Category: Blogging

i've shut up about the climate since i moved out east to what is basically an artist commune for burned out "genius" kids. but today as i looked up at the sky that was orange from the wildfire smoke from the drought-ridden west coast while i watched my own little river flood its banks i was reminded how much i love this world and how furiously i want to protect it. i found an old (2019) newspaper ... » Continue Reading

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come on baby, light my fire!

Category: Blogging

and here it is: the pit.  the pit that forms in my stomach every time i leave massachusetts and come back here, to a town that should be my same-old home but every day grows less and less familiar. old, dusty, low-lit pubs become gauche sports bars, mom & pop shops close in favour of trendy cafes, the women's resource clinic is torn down. everything there is to do was done when we were 14, and eve... » Continue Reading

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the man on the bench

Category: Blogging

When wandering through the night alone, you come across a man on a bench, paint peeling off in little grey shreds. The man says, come, sit with me. You say, "I'm contagious."   » Continue Reading

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ur mom called, i told her you're fucking up big time

Category: Blogging

FUCK am i just fucking screwed! i keep cracking jokes and turning to laugh with someone and there’s no one there. i’ve been listening to everlong on the floor while i pound on the old typewriter and still i haven’t thought of a single thing to write about. the only time today i haven't felt like biting my own head off was when i was listening to my room » Continue Reading

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ruminations: things that keep coming back to my mind when i try to fall asleep

Category: Blogging

1- talk sexy my eighth-grade math teacher still works at the same school. he didn’t teach me how to » Continue Reading

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the east coast is a fallacy (and this house is rotting)

Category: Blogging

your grandmother was born in this house, the daughter of immigrants. she moved three towns over until she got knocked up and came home. your mother was born in this house too. she went to college across the state, moved out to vermont, got a dog. and then your grandfather got sick and she moved back here to take care of him. the plan is always, we’ll mo » Continue Reading

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film room thoughts

Category: Blogging

one day we’ll just be little figures on film in the bottom pile of rejected projects. years from now, someone who hasn’t been born yet will pull out our crumpled, smiling faces from the abandoned 16mm bin. and they’ll splice us in between shots of our old rooms, now their rooms, not realising the marks on the walls or the broken window latches are from » Continue Reading

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i was someone's wife

Category: Blogging

there is a sliver somewhere in the world where i am your wife. i married you at 18, never went to college, and rotted in your parents home in texas. i make you tea every morning, sew you dresses, brush your hair. i listen to you yearn to move to hollywood and become an actress and write for the great directors. if it were a life with anyone else, » Continue Reading

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a house show for a band that only plays live

Category: Blogging

i don’t remember how i got to the house. probably, i walked to the playground, where i met tyler, and he drove me the rest of the way (as usual). i do remember the house. it was in the country past the weird highway traffic light. it belonged to brian’s older brother, who he lived with, and was one of the ones with the extra door that led straight to th » Continue Reading

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