i love reading. i love gross romance books, rom coms, poetry, true crime, etc. I LOVE READING. everytime i finish a book i feel like the smartest person in the world. I love reading. I love putting on music and just getting lost in a book for hours. I love the thought provoking and curious assets of a book. i love that even when i may be done reading I still think of that book for hours. Everybody... » Continue Reading
can we just talk about how weird neo pronouns. like youre basically degrading actual trans people and making them look like idiots because you have the audacity to go on the internet and be like "i ThInK i WaS bOrN tO gO bY kItTy/ KiTtYsElF" like stfu. you were a failed abortion you werent born to go by anything other than abor/ted. like im not about to call you a bandage. istg most of this genera... » Continue Reading