Category: SpaceHey
Sooo like what do people use spacehey for? I dont really understand how to use this XP » Continue Reading
"At work"
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Category: SpaceHey
Sooo like what do people use spacehey for? I dont really understand how to use this XP » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Christ why am I not good enough for you, why am I not good enough for anyone? Why does this keep happening to me. I dont understand » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I'll learn how to code at some point but its 2:55 am rn and the last thing I want to do is concentrate on something that needs a lot of concentration :P » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Why is there so many racists on spacehey what the fuck » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
im just gunna use a layout until i figure out how this works dont judge me » Continue Reading