HAII guys!!!!! im currently being EPIKLY pwned by MS PAINT xD cuzzz i don't hav a mouse rn O-O but othah than dat im still sick X_x so i havn't been doin 2 muchz peeps :D but i hope u guyz have been having a good day!!!1 » Continue Reading
why do i ALWAYZ? get siCk right b4 a break xD i neva get 2 skip schOoL o_O liek why do i hav a cold NOW of all timez?!?! wait till school startz back up 4 dat dewd !! (ToT) » Continue Reading
doez any1 els remember teh “raise an epik turtle” game on roblox xD i remembr it from when i wus rlly young ;-; liek mayb 6 ??? LIEK LOLWUT… soooo i tried 2 replay it cuz dat wuld totally b epik!1! & 4 sum reason i can’t find it ? o_O nyway why r all the kewl games dissapearing ? 3spooky5me lawl!1! » Continue Reading