Category: SpaceHey
i am literally so new to this app I have no idea what I'm doing, everybodies set up seems so much cooler than mine and i feel like such a major loser DDD: help please omg » Continue Reading
"listening to music 🎧"
17 :D
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: SpaceHey
i am literally so new to this app I have no idea what I'm doing, everybodies set up seems so much cooler than mine and i feel like such a major loser DDD: help please omg » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
I recently found out about this app and tell me why when I told my friend about it and they got an attitude D: they were asking me why and I made a joke about how they should just trust me and if they didn't wanna download the app they didn't have to and they got pissy at me :( like bro you were the one friend I thought would join this with me and now your mad like nvm » Continue Reading