2DAY ME AND MY BFF WERE MATCHING ROBLOX AVATARSSS!!!! heres a link 2 them if u and someone special wanna watch too :3 i made them cost as little as i could sorryy i wouldve made them free if i knew how lol left (green one): https://www.roblox.com/catalog/15091967427/unnamed right (purple one): https://www.roblox.com/catalog/15091957250/unnamed » Continue Reading
2day was the first day of grade 12 fur me :33 i didnt do much learning tho XD bc i had to spend the eeentire day working out out some issues like figuring out what class to go to !! :P and i ran into some people in the hallway i didnt want 2 that i kinda h8 bc of past arguments it sucked sooo bad. T_T woopsies buuut i did get 2see my fav teacher (da drama teacher) and a lot of people noticed my ou... » Continue Reading