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Category: Life

Art vs Mothers (with a lot of life rambling/venting)

Ever since 2nd grade I took a liking to art (I didn't get serious/ own a sketchbook until like 2019-2020 (5th-6th grade) but that doesn't even matter rn so blah). And my mom was very happy for me. I think so anyway. The first time I showed her what I made was a Spongebob drawing of all the characters from memory, it was for my sister while she was away at camp. I was maybe in the 6-7 age range. She had one look at the drawing and said to me "So... You see Rita probably wants to see a pretty picture while at camp, and this is not. So go make something else." Was I crushed? Yes, I was. But I took her advice and made a better damn Spongebob, using a tutorial. It was way better than the one I had initially made, so I showed it to my mom and she still did not like it and took the letter she wrote without my drawing. Did I cry that night? Yeah, I did. But it taught me one thing: I need to get better. I barely drew for the next three years, save for the YouTube tutorials on how to draw cartoon girls every couple of months. Then in 2020 as a new artist, I had a phase where I showed my mom everything I drew, I thought I was the shit before showing her. I was quickly humbled every single time. "Oh. Why do her feet look like that?" "Well, isn't that OK."  "But why is the mouth turned like that?" "It would be good if she didn't look sunburned." "Her nose looks weird Annie..." And hey, they were pretty good critiques. And I still remember the compliment she gave me on a mermaid. "WOW, Maged look! Your daughter made that!" And that gave me happiness for the rest of the week. Now, in the present day, I rarely show my mother anything I make. And if I do, I try my best to make sure it's the best damn thing I've ever made. And it irritates the hell out of me when I show something I am genuinely proud of. "Um wow, you drew that?... Yeah. Cool." WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT TO THEIR CHILD OH MY GOD (And in my humble opinion, I don't think I suck at art, so like whatchu doing ma). Like maybe give a critique if ya don't like it. Or don't be so awkward when your cool daughter shows you something. This is the whole reason I don't show my art to people in real life. And I don't think that's too good for my development as an artist. 

So yeah, fuck bitches and get money, and also don't ever show your mother your drawings.

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