I didn't do much today, I'll be honest. I got home and practically did nothing. It's too late now though but hey, there's always tomorrow, I guess. Hopefully I can accomplish more then.
I did some minor, surface level very basic learning. I don't usually do much in depth stuff but today's learning was a whole new level of shallow. I basically just did research on this author I'm interested in, Dostoyevsky. My sister said she'd buy me a physical copy of Crime and Punishment so I looked into the author's beliefs, philosophy and ideology.
I did my whole hygiene routine, I even cut my nails and shaved and everything, I might be in an advertisement for the school tomorrow. It depends but maybe, who knows.
If You're wondering what I did for the whole day when I wasn't doing anything productive, I was watching a movie and TV. I watched Wall E and damn, is it good. I love that movie so much, it's beautiful. I also watched Arrested development, I couldn't stop laughing.
I didn't even do any study work today and I should've but I need to adjust to the exam schedule again.
I also broke my reading Streak for the first time in how long but I will read Pride and Prejudice soon so that's exciting.
I did, however, exercise. I only did half the workout, it was more of a third actually. I gave myself a very minor injury so it's cardio tomorrow or leg day or sumn.
Thank you for reading this, I just want to say I'm kinda touched. One of my mutuals is doing something similar though for a far nobler cause. Though, honestly, anything is nobler than aiming to get a girlfriend, that's just kinda sleazy. However, I felt a sense of pride, I like it when what I do has an impact on people, like when I write shit and my teacher or my friends tells me stuff like "this was so eloquent" or "you should major in English" my English teacher told me that my essays were great. Anyway, sorry for being vain, this isn't about me for once, I know that this specific mutual reads these and I wish them good luck. Also they're blogs are much more entertaining to read, you know when you read something and it has you smiling ear to ear, like chapter 9 of The Trial, thats how I felt reading their blogs and all their bulletins. Let's not make this too corny now, I am an A-grade organic Cornball but even I have to keep up an air of professionalism. Anyway, see ya in the next one.
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