faces in cars

even as a twenty one year old i still say, "when i grow up" i always catch myself; lest i feel like an idiot, or even worse, let them know i dont know what the fuck im doing here. but it was on my way to work that it hit me that maybe i was, or maybe the expectations society gives to adults is unbearably draining and leaves little time for imagination. as i sat at that god forsaken light waiting for it to finally turn green after so long, i stared at the cars across from me and let my mind wander. mindlessly following the shape and curves of the hood and the bumper, i wondered, at what point in my life did i stop seeing faces in cars? when did i start seeing cars as machines, stop seeing the weird smiles, the bulbous eyes and occasional push broom mustache? my energy so exhausted that i couldnt see from a perspective that once made my life fun, pointing out the weird faces to my sister and drawing our visions and comparing them to each others. i wish i wasnt "grown up".

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