Jaded Jolie's profile picture

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Category: Life

I met Ayesha Erotica and this is my story.

Ayesha... She was so weird... So mysterious... Anyways, in the evening of friday, i was finishing my Taco Bell shift and in comes Ayesha! "I eat here pretty much every fucking day!!" she screams. I gasp and notice that its the REAL Ayesha standing infront of me so... I walk up to her and ask for a picture. She screams the f slur at my face and i shake it off bc i thought she was just joking but a couple minutes past by and she poses with me... We take 4 pictures and she whispers in my ear "I get all the mexicans in me".... She then PROCEEDS to interrogate me asking if ima  ''Fucking Beaner" And i stumble with my words, she already got her answer and she proceeds to kick me in the stomach yelling ''I GOT ALL THE MEXICANS IN ME, WHAT YOU GET IS ALWAYS WHAT YOU SEE.... I MAKE ALL N WORDS FALL INLOVE WITH ME'' so i step back all freaked out and walk home with a smile bc it was Ayesha!! I ended up with a broken rib, spine, and ribcage that day. Anyways, so i was walking home and i hear someone coming from behind... following me. And guess who it was? Ayesha. "Ayesha, why are you following me?" I ask... Ayesha looks at me dead in the eyes and runs me over with her hello kitty bicycle. I am in the hospital as i write this frowning.

Please give me a sense of justice and hold Ayesha Erotica accountable for her actions... She was sentenced to 5 years in prison and her response/defense was ''I can't go to jail, I'm out on bail. I just wanna play in the summer sun. I'm  a juicy bitch and i got no shame!!!"

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csaba's profile picture

i feel bad for u but she did the right thing tbh..

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okay 13 y/o

by Jaded Jolie; ; Report