Talking to myself, expression of the soul. Sovereignty

My authentic true self does not conform to the confines of traditional communication. That is a false matrix facade or social construct. To constantly repress my true nature just so the majority of people can understand or interpret what I'm saying according their perception does not serve my highest good. Our original intent will inevitably be distorted and lost in transition through this limited means of communication anyway. When confronted with something outside the program it may be rejected or ignored, rather than venturing into uncharted territory. The later can lead to innovation and growth. Imagination is the key to genius. There was a study conducted that showed how many children possess this quality before they are forced into the indoctrination camps of the public school system. What has been revealed to me through my dreams/subconscious is the core of my being in it's purest form. I think that as a whole we have a tendency to externalize things when we should be internalizing. Looking to outside influences to guidance and information when we neglect to look inward. Who knows better than our higher self? This is the future self who has already ascended in density and experienced multiple incarnations to gain knowledge and wisdom. I'm utilizing this medium for an outlet and placing it into the collective. May it be absorbed in any means possible.

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