What you must do

You must know that you are, as well as a neuron in the river-brain of humanity, a singular creature made of finite flesh

This knowledge binds you, obviously, but it should also free you

Look at history like a game board, a map of places to explore

History is still ongoing

It seems trite

But by definition you are free to go wherever you can go, free to do whatever you can do

You are not Australian, you simply live in and are a citizen of Australia. You should know by now that legality and morality are two different things. What you can do and what you should do are two different things. Gratefully, they very often align, as is one of the upsides of liberalism they are more aligned than they typically have been in history. But you must understand that they are not and will never be perfectly aligned, just as a curved ramp will never truly meet the ground zero degrees (this is not to say that the fight to align them is meaningless, but that's besides the point).

You are a singular creature made of finite flesh - If an action is good and you can get away with doing it, do it. Skip like a faerie creature around the world and take stock of your material circumstances. If an action is good but it will likely put you in jail, don't do it.

In other words, don't worry about going into the shops with a bag full of groceries from another shop. If you kept the receipt, you won't get in trouble. That is a certainty. Why spend so much energy worrying about it? You don't want to have any sort of altercation which could hold you up? Ok. If that concern outweighs the time it will take for you to organise an alternative, then do it. But stop wasting your energy on optics. My grandfather stuck a What, Me Worry? sticker on a portrait of Mao Zedong. Apparently the Dutch are practical in this way that I am describing.

You must know that you are, as well as a singular creature made of finite flesh, a neuron in the river-brain of humanity

Your externalised thoughts are impulses which collectivise into waves (Bossa Nova)

Artworks are thoughts

Film doesn't change society as your optimistic professor would have you believe

Neither does society change film, really. Film is society - or films are those ephemeral wisps of flame which emerge from societal kindling.

Don't you see that we are a child in an egg trying to grow wiser whilst only knowing the inside of its own head? How impossible are those circumstances, yet the first breaths are happening.

Art doesn't do much, but you must create it.

That is all.

4 Kudos


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