finished the cabinet of dr. caligari 2005 remake!

find part one of my post here

guys. it is SO damn good. it cleared up a lot of things that had confused me in the original while still keeping true to it. there's some deliberate overacting that becomes more noticeable after the first 30 minutes or so, especially on Francis' part. speaking of which, the dialogue adds a lot more foreshadowing than the original had - me and dad were going "ohhh no" at a line every ten minutes lmao. also, turns out Cesare was played by Doug Jones! THE Tall Makeup Monster Guy. he's been in so many movies lol. and it turns out I'd been pronouncing Cesare wrong this whole time - I'd been saying "see-ZAR" when it's actually "CHEZ-uh-ray" (which imo does not sound as cool). whoops. he's still a goth icon ofc. one thing does perplex me, though… the purple flower. what kind of flower was it? why is it the only thing in color in the entire movie? what is the thematic significance of it being in those two scenes (and thus tying them together)? I will be turning this over in my mind for quite a while. I feel like when I find out the answer I'm gonna feel stupid for not having understood immediately. anyway it's getting late and I can't wait to fall asleep to rotating these characters around in my brain. I leave you with this, from the original:

a green-tinted monochrome gif of Cesare lifting a knifeoh, and that reminds me, I like the wavy blade they used in the remake! but now I've really got to go. so long and goodnight!

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cave dweller

cave dweller's profile picture

you are the first person I've seen on this website who likes the cabinet of dr caligari HELLO HI?? hey I really love that movie

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HELLO HI HOLY SHIT I am just now seeing this :0 I've been lucky to find other fans on tumblr but I had given up hope on finding anyone here!! this movie has taken over my life since posting this lol

by mossy :]; ; Report