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Category: Life

... 03/10/23 (TW sensible topic)

what if i make a Puppet?, a small pet that i can decorate, play and speak without hurting or making them leave me, i can make gifts for him and he would play with me, maybe all day long, maybe just some hours and i will keep my life on

i feel so lonely, maybe even making a puppet to fill my void will just make it a slave of my imagination, i feel so wrong, what is wrong with me these days?, what is wrong with my mind?

i havent been exercising these days, i feel fat and ugly. maybe its my fault, as well as ignoring my brother and being a bad child. im asking for so much stuff, why does my mother accept to get it like its nothing?

everything is my fault i guess, will a puppet say the same?, will it repeat the exact same words and look directly at my eyes as if it was my fault in creating it?, am i doing everything wrong?

am i... existing for nothing, is my own existence worth for anything specific?

was i a good child?

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