my brain is the size of one (1) tictac so no matter how many things i read online ab it i still dont get what exactly it is?? like is it another crypto thing like nft??? can someone simplify the idea of it?
Essentially its decentralizing the web from the cirrent tech corporations that run it like YouTube, amazon,Twitter,etc. Its goal is to make people be able to control their data more i suppose but we would have to use cryptocurrencies and nfts. The whole idea as i understand it is to have users essentially buy parts of a platform so they can have a say on how its run. But it seems to me like an unsafe and unsecure internet and crypto is not an insured currency so if youre hacked and lose all your money youre fucked. Its essentially a libertarians wet dream essentially just a rampant free market (i wont get too political on you lol).
Heres a citation from coindesk
"Web3 makes the proliferation of cooperative governance structures for once-centralized products possible. Anything at all can be tokenized, whether it’s a meme, a piece of art, a person’s social media output or tickets to Gary Vee’s conferences."
Now this ownership of every single thing on the internet including simple memes doesnt sound like fun and will end up probably having us pay more money for random useless bullshit that just eats up all of the electricity our computers are running on so we can transfer crypto around.
Like really tokenize everything? It sounds like hell to me and makes the internet a constant battle for control over money and power. Just one big ass auction house
the phrase "anything at all can be tokenized" makes me wanna puke lmao
dw ab politics btw libertarians are fkn soulless dumbasses lol
but i just wanna make sure im understanding this right so hopefully this even makes sense but correct me if im wrong on anything:
its ultimate laissez-faire cryptobro-dream internet that functions on destroying the planet by using excessive amts of energy to tokenize everything made under the guise of "taking it away from the big corporations"
From my understanding, yes. Imagine what would happen to communities that thrive on sharing free things. For example the modding community imagine having to pay for the use of like every mod since someone could tokenize that file and then choose to withhold the right to use it. And i dont see how this eliminates someone controlling a site because couldnt one rich user just buy more of say youtubr than the rest and basically control it? Id have to look into it more but it seems that way to me.
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I cant try based on what i know
Essentially its decentralizing the web from the cirrent tech corporations that run it like YouTube, amazon,Twitter,etc. Its goal is to make people be able to control their data more i suppose but we would have to use cryptocurrencies and nfts. The whole idea as i understand it is to have users essentially buy parts of a platform so they can have a say on how its run. But it seems to me like an unsafe and unsecure internet and crypto is not an insured currency so if youre hacked and lose all your money youre fucked. Its essentially a libertarians wet dream essentially just a rampant free market (i wont get too political on you lol).
Heres a citation from coindesk
"Web3 makes the proliferation of cooperative governance structures for once-centralized products possible. Anything at all can be tokenized, whether it’s a meme, a piece of art, a person’s social media output or tickets to Gary Vee’s conferences."
Now this ownership of every single thing on the internet including simple memes doesnt sound like fun and will end up probably having us pay more money for random useless bullshit that just eats up all of the electricity our computers are running on so we can transfer crypto around.
Like really tokenize everything? It sounds like hell to me and makes the internet a constant battle for control over money and power. Just one big ass auction house
God i said essentially way too many fuckin times lmao
by MegaHertz550; ; Report
the phrase "anything at all can be tokenized" makes me wanna puke lmao
dw ab politics btw libertarians are fkn soulless dumbasses lol
but i just wanna make sure im understanding this right so hopefully this even makes sense but correct me if im wrong on anything:
its ultimate laissez-faire cryptobro-dream internet that functions on destroying the planet by using excessive amts of energy to tokenize everything made under the guise of "taking it away from the big corporations"
by xXfrankiesteinksXx; ; Report
From my understanding, yes. Imagine what would happen to communities that thrive on sharing free things. For example the modding community imagine having to pay for the use of like every mod since someone could tokenize that file and then choose to withhold the right to use it. And i dont see how this eliminates someone controlling a site because couldnt one rich user just buy more of say youtubr than the rest and basically control it? Id have to look into it more but it seems that way to me.
by MegaHertz550; ; Report