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chronic pain + cats

i feel like chronic pain is ok im used to it, ok im used to it, ok im used to it, WHY ME IM SO TIRED, ok im used to it. i dont log my pain anymore because there is So Much pain that tracking it takes too much time. lay in bed awake last night because there was a bone deep aching in my joints that wouldn't go away. whether i sit or stand or lie down, it is there. i would probably benefit from a cane or even forearm crutches but my parents wouldn't let me get a mobility aid. after all, im "too young" to be disabled and "just need to exercise". there's merit to exercise i suppose. like it may help me get better but it HURTS. i don't know why i have to be "fixed" if instead i could just make my life easier with aids that are designed to do so. i dunno. maybe i have the wrong outlook on it but this Isn't going away.

ok. cat portion of the post. i'm introducing you guys to our kitty cats. lexi, liza, and kotya. lexi is the calico. she's the baby. liza is the black cat, second oldest. and kotya is the black and white cat. he's my son. lexi and liza are my mom and my sister's cats respectively and they don't like me. lol.

courtesy of levclems

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