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Category: Books and Stories

the mischaracterization of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson

Hey what’s up, another Sherlock Holmes entry cause I can.

Sherlock Holmes just might be the most misrepresented character ever (in my opinion of course). In most modern media they make Sherlock out to be a cold, nonchalant, doesn’t care about feelings, will always figure out a case, overall asshole type of guy. 

but he’s really not! When i first read the series, I was surprised that Sherlock was just a normal dude. He has emotions and REACTS TO THINGS THAT SHOCK HIM (that was an annoying thing for me in media, it was like he always knew what was happening. but in the books he didn’t know anything most of the time). I hate it when they portray him with almost superpower abilities. the point of the stories where you trying to figure out the truth WITH Sherlock, that’s part of the appeal. but in shows like BBC Sherlock, he has a MIND PALACE???? and the way they made us percei how his mind worked like it was other worldly???? hmm????? He cannot just randomly know things that weren’t told before. bro doesn’t just know how shit works. he is NOT a superhero. idk that just peeved me a lot.

then there’s his personality. No he is not some aloof, lone wolf cool guy. He is, and i will always stand by this, a big ol nerd who gets excited when he infers something correctly and who info-dumps any and all information he has at the moment to his bestie for the restie. 

but i will say, sometimes Sherlock is not all there for people. it’s not that he doesn’t know how peoples emotions work, it’s that he doesn’t give a shit. an example of this that i think is quite funny is when Sherlock is ENGAGED to a woman named Agatha(in the span of a very short time, bravo to him on that ngl), who is the villains house keeper, so he can get a layout of the villains house so he can rob the guys house. Watson is of course freaked out when Sherlock tells him this. The detectives response is “I needed answers Watson.” which in my opinion is funny as hell. He will literally do anything for the bit. but yeah. He is sometimes a pain in the ass. but that’s not his ONLY character trait. like come on now. 

And poor poor Watson, you probably forgot about him while reading this. That poor guy is always overshadowed in media. it’s so sad to see. He was such an important part of the stories, he literally narrated every single story (cept for like one where sherlock wrote it cause he said it wasn’t that hard to write a story and Watson made him do one. hehe). He literally make Sherlock popular by putting his stories in the paper. Watson is portrayed as… I can’t even tell you honestly. He’s just “the sidekick” and nothing else. The Private Life of sherlock holmes from the 70s portrayed Watson as an annoyed roommate who’s always a lil irritated. and that was great! (that movie is awesome and cool btw you should watch it) he is not only the guy that narrates sherlock and stands in the background. In the Hounds of the Baskervilles, Watson was the guy doing most of the work. Sherlock popped in at the end to save the rich guy or whatever. 

OH and the relationship of Watson and Sherlock that media portrays is HORRIBLE. ITS THE WORST. NO Holmes is not mean to Watson, he cares about him cause they’re FRIENDS!!!!! they like each other!!!!! and no, it’s not always in a gay way. I actually hate it when people ship friends together just cause. like they’re really good friends. Holmes would be a terrible boyfriend. Watson is too good for him. 

so those are some of my thoughts on my favorite book series <3333

3 Kudos


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shappy!!'s profile picture

this is amazing!!!! youre so right oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! i hate how they make sherlock in most newer adaptations... thats why i cant enjoy any enola holmes movie.. (also bc of mycroft what did they do to him for god's sake)
i think they are doing a great job in sherlock & co, probably one of my favorite adaptations atm!!!

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i’ll have to check it out

by Annabelle; ; Report


shappy!!'s profile picture

this is amazing!!!! youre so right oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! i hate how they make sherlock in most newer adaptations... thats why i cant enjoy any enola holmes movie.. (also bc of mycroft what did they do to him for god's sake)
i think they are doing a great job in sherlock & co, probably one of my favorite adaptations atm!!!

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shappy!!'s profile picture

this is amazing!!!! youre so right oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! i hate how they make sherlock in most newer adaptations... thats why i cant enjoy any enola holmes movie.. (also bc of mycroft what did they do to him for god's sake)
i think they are doing a great job in sherlock & co, probably one of my favorite adaptations atm!!!

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Seriana's profile picture

Amazing analysis! I have only watched the BBC Sherlock so far. I could guess (of course) that they took many creative liberties while doing it, but I haven’t started to read the original stories, so I couldn’t identify each one. Now I can give myself an idea.

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by Annabelle; ; Report

Dead Weight

Dead Weight's profile picture

It's often forgotten that Watson is an ARMY doctor, and able to carry his own weight in a confrontation.

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so so so true yes this

by Annabelle; ; Report


rex's profile picture


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by Annabelle; ; Report