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rambles of the ward (continuation of 'the old man of the mental ward')

second messy ass thing that happened. me and my roommate (one of the very few at least mildly cool people here) were in our room- minding our own business when bui (my roommate) hears this girl talking about her. she got really upset, rightfully so- the girl that was shit talking her was our old roommate, who was on really good terms with bui (i didn't like the girl, i used to before i heard her talking shit about bui a previous time. despite that, no one was on real bad terms with anyone before this happened). i may have added some fuel to the fire by telling bui about what this girl had said about her previously, but to be fair i had thought about telling her before but was too nervous to and at that point i really didn't wanna keep it from her any longer. bui wanted to go out there and say some shit to her, but she was going home the next day and that could've got her stay extended. so i offered to go out there an yell at them myself.

bui asks me to say (this is a loose remembrance of what was said. it was a couple of days ago and i can't remember well 💀) "if anyone has anything to say about anybody, say it to their fucking face- don't be no piss baby about it" and so i go to the lounge, tell everyone there i got a message and i say exactly that.

(shit talking girl yells after me 'thanks for the message"- i yell back "you're welcomeee")

i leave, go back to our room. fast forward idk how long, i'm in the hallway about to spill water over the floor so that girl (and maybe a couple other people) would walk in it and get her socks wet- cause i heard them her talking shit about me like no less than ten minutes later. then these two other girls show up, one i was on fine terms with and the other was the old man of the mental ward.

the old man questions me about whether it's a good time to go into bui and i's room (where bui, who was really irritated was). i say "idk go in there and find out" and then start jabbing mean-ish comments at her. fast forward again. i'm refusing to apologize to her, then i start feeling bad and right as i'm saying sorry the girl i was on fine terms with said i was gonna get my ass beat if i kept acting like that. so i take back the apology. and y'all at the time, those were fighting words idk. therefore, i start getting into it with her. then a staff came in and separated us so that was anti-climactic.

fast forward to now, bui's gone and the girl who technically started the whole thing has just settled on giving me dirty looks (lmao). but i leave tomorrow and she doesn't so haha bitch 😜 anyways, the whole thing was really just so unnecessary + i was being a petty ass.

in short, everyone here is very flawed, this particular encounter was very cringy and i need to get better at managing my anger.


kisses , vyx                     

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