My first day at college! I woke up at 4:30 am to try and ensure that I had enough time to get ready and do my makeup (which unfortunately wasn't enough time ;-;), I left the house at 6:40 am and got to the bus stop at around 7. A few people were already there, so I knew I was at the right stop. The bus arrived almost 5 minutes late, it was supposed to arrive at 7:10, but we got to the college on time, its almost an hour and a half on the college bus. A really cool person got on the bus at one of the stops, they had split dyed black and green mullet, a huge septum piercing, a denim jacket with the sleeves ripped off and covered in spikes and patches, and crust pants (trousers covered in patches), they looked so cool!
When we got there, I headed to my classroom, there was a really cool person stood outside and I eventually mustered up the courage to tell them they looked cool. They had blonde and brown hair, a black graphic crop top with a super cropped hoodie with D rings on the sleeves, a layered purple tartan skirt, black and purple striped socks, and black boots with bat buckles.
Our first task, when we got into class, was draping these rather horrendous pieces of fabric on mannequins. We had to work in pairs and me and the cool purple person didn't have partners so we paired together, their name is Leo. We got lumbered with a black snakeskin fabric and this bright green/ emerald sort of camo print fabric. I felt like the draping went better than when I went to the applicants/ taster day when we had to drape paper. Only a few people who were at the taster day actually enrolled which was interesting.
Nothing really happened at break, we then returned to draping. At lunch, I bought a sandwich in the student hub and ate it there, I wasn't allowed to stay in the classroom so I went and sat by myself in the park under a willow tree. We got to back to class and cut stuff out of magazines (like clothes, colours, patterns etc) and then drew some of the clothes that we cut out.
When it was time to go home, I was on the bus and a group of people got onto the bus and there weren't many seats left and they wanted to sit together. Two of them sat down on the seats behind me which left the seat next to me, and the third friend said "at this point I'd rather walk home" ;-; I'm literally getting the same bus as you, breathing the same air as you, I don't want to be next to you as much as you don't want to be next to me ;-; I hate kids so much. A kinda shitty end to a decent day, although I did meet a lovely cat on my home!
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