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Category: Blogging

12 | all the hobbies ive had and how long they lasted

the amount of hobbies and interests i have been into is insane. I have enough to last a lifetime. if something is listed here i was DEEP into it. like watching all the videos, reading all the forums and teaching myself some of them. 

green means its an ongoing hobby/interest

anime (watching, fandom) - 5 years

kpop (album collecting, streaming, fandom) 6 years

Korean dramas - 5 years

olympic figure skating (watching) - 1 year (HANYU YUZURU <3333)

fitness (doing) - 5 months

minecraft - 10 years

sims 4 - 4 months

tech (hardware n shit) - 2 years

urbex - 3 years

rollerblading - 3 months

stocks - 4 months

language learning - 7 years

playing music (orchestra) -10 years

art (drawing & animation) - 6 years

modern dance - 1 year

anatomy - 3 years

writing/poetry - 6 years

stationary collecting - 4 years

lockpicking - 3 months

trash reality tv shows - forever

animal crossing - 1 year

skincare - 2 years

tennis - 4 years

Rubik's cubes - 1 year

bullet journaling - 2 years

books - 5 years (on and off)

videography/video editing - 6 years

true crime - 7 years

this is why its so easy for me to relate to people, we often have something in common. crazy

0 Kudos


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