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Category: Books and Stories

Liminal(part 2)

Hello everyone, thanks for your response on part 1. There will be a more proper continuation soon, but in the meantime, I want to talk about my history and experiences in those spaces.

I usually enter the Liminal by purposefully looking for roads that I would never take otherwise. It can be because they should lead to nowhere or just because they look interesting, but the point is that after a couple of turns, you'll find the Liminal. If you get lucky, it might be after just 1 weird turn, but it usually takes me like 5 or 6.

You might wonder how you can know if you're already there. I don't have any strategy for this. All of those spaces look like they belong to our world; they just somehow feel wrong. Those roads, those buildings, even the space between them.

I need to say that experiencing those places myself feels way different than writing about them, especially since most of the uniqueness of this place comes from the details, but I'll try to explain them as well as I can.

The first place I saw was behind my old house. There was a path near the parking space that normally should just end or enter another street. But despite being in the middle of a big city, the path leads to a small patch of farmland with a small cottage house close to it. Then it turns into a thick forest with old, unused railways in the middle. And if you follow the path all the way through, you'll end up back in the city you ventured from.

I found the first one accidentally, but all of the other ones were found by searching for them. One of the earliest ones I found started as a normal road between smaller houses, which quickly turned into a small patch of forest. Suddenly, the road split into multiple entangled paths that made completely no sense because there was nothing there to require so many roads—just grass and bushes. Those weren't small forest paths; those were actual asphalt roads that led to nowhere. They just ended abruptly without any grace and not a single exit except the one I ventured from.

One time, I found a giant building in the middle of nowhere. It was a brightly lit monolith of a building with its own roads and even a gas station. It would not look out of place in some sort of industrial zone, but not here, not in the middle of nowhere. I was especially confused by all of this light. Not only did all of the roads have lamps near them, but there were also giant lamps on the sides of the building, illuminating... well, nothing, just some trees and bushes. There was something seriously wrong with this place, so I haven't stayed there for long, but it's still on my mind sometimes. I want to come back there during the day and explore it more.

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by Jay; ; Report


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just in case anyone haven't read it, here's the link to part 1

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also if you liked it feel free to add me to friends, you'll be able to see updates about part 3 abd other cool things

by Jay; ; Report