here's pt. 2 of the confession blog !! click here 4 part 1 !!
"i'm in this groupchat and one time when i was asleep (5am for me, probs evening for them, i'm not american), a (now ex) friend i was together with for 2 years apparently went behind all of our backs and made a whole entire account to shit on our work (not gonna specify details, but it was insane). he ended up deleting the account, leaving the groupchat (while threatening to overdose), wrote the most half assed apologies i EVER read to all the members (the one to me was literally just textbook guilt tripping, and we turned the apology to one of the members a copypasta because of how bad it was), and then he had the AUDACITY to bitch even more about the group for getting mad at him "over a song opinion" as if he didn't quite literally destroy my friends' confidence in what they create. so when i found out what he did, it was the final straw for me with all the shit he did to me during those agonizing 2 years. I told it to a whole entire server (which his friends were in it) and publicly shamed him and insulted his art, since he insulted ours, and ik that the only way he'll ever learn his lesson is a taste of his own medicine. i also told EVERYONE i could that's connected to him that he's into omegaverse and like so HARDCORE into it, he begged his writer friend numerous times to write him omegaverse fics of his fav ship. Not only that but I also made fun of his vocaloid tuning (which there wasn't any, he installed an untuned vsqx and just plug and played a voicebank and acted like he's the best vocaloid user ever) and i revealed all of his secrets to my friends, since he must like having people go behind his back so much if he did it to us. on top of that, i made fun of his physical appearance (which he did of several peoples', including me) because honestly his shitty dye job having ass sure says a LOT for someone with such an insanely fuckass crooked side part and hair flatter than my ass, and i'm built like a door. also worth of mention that he doxxed one of my friends "for fun" so i revealed what state he lives and the area, which he wanted to keep private yet still told me. AND i made fun of his personal taste because he made fun of our tastes. oh also the group turned the apology he made for the friend that got doxxed into a copypasta to mock him (it was SO bad it didn't even seem like an apology. like deadass). so basically i became a cyberbully for like a week after i broke it off with him because he literally made one of my friends quit making music with his unwanted comments. if you treat others like shit, i'll treat you like shit too. play stupid games, win stupid prizes, what can i say?"
- anonymous
ill b honest, ive done my fair share of petty cyberbullying even if it probs wuznt the best idea...
so i can totes c where ur coming from, nd by the sounds of it he deserved it
im not SUPPORTING ur actions, but i def dont blame u... XD
"sometimes whenever my hyperfixations fade ill pretend to still be super into it because it was such a big part of my personality, so my friends sometimes will show me stuff / give me gifts related to it and im like oh cool thanks. but i really dont like it anymore jashfjash"
- anonymous
omg i H8 when my hyperfixations fade...
thankfully my favs r still HERE nd STRONG
i usually just try 2 STOP talking ab them so ppl stop bringing them up LOLZ
"i actually did that one meme like “you’re going to get a new a, new pronouns, you’re never going to contact your mutuals ever again” around a year ago. i was friends with these people for about two years we would call every night. i just said i was taking a small break from the internet but i never opened that twt account ever again. getting away from them actually helped my mental health a ton though so i don’t regret it. sorry ."
- anonymous
if it helped ur mental health, i dont c y u would regret it
u need 2 put urself b4 others sumtimes, nd thats hard 4 a lot of ppl
im glad ur n a better place mentally :)
"i stole two buds from my grandma and made hella joints. i was a lil hungry ok "
- anonymous
dont steal buds from ur grandmas guys
"I made out with my friend and I liked it"
- spencer
(i have multiple friends named spencer nd u didnt give me ur url. so...)
thats totes fair, theres nothing wrong w that
i def kissed a LOT of my friends n middle skool... LOL
"when i was a little kid i ate a lego spongebob flower and had a breakdown bcuz i thought id die from it and then it ended up visibly ending up on my shit"
- anonymous
LOL... my partner dared me 2 eat a lego like a yr ago nd i did it. i cant judge u.
sumwhere n my house is a blue 2x2 w a little bite taken out of it
at least u were a child XD
"when i was 12 i used to lie to people for fun and once i had an entire separate persona and i talked to an at-the-time online friend with both of these personalities and now he has trust issues and also the second personality lives in my head to this day and encourages me to take care of my hygiene"
- anonymous
uhm??? lmao
ive had ppl lie 2 me ab who they r A LOT nd its RLY RLY damaging :/
as long as ur not still doing that stuff ig
"i tell everyone that i like girls but idk what my sexuality is"
- anonymous
thats totes fair!! im still trying 2 figure mine out, which is y i just say im unlabeled
personally, ik i like girls but im not sure how i feel ab guys, so i tell ppl im a (nb) lesbian sumtimes but im not sure if thats RLY how i feel
i also feel like my gender is SM more complicated than just "nonbinary", but i still tell ppl im nb 2 keep things simple
"so, it might be weird but i really wanted to get this off my chest... i feel like everyone hates me, everyone. even my best friends. sometimes i think that they are just faking and i fear they made a group chat without me just to talk shit about me (it happened once, a looong time ago, with different friends that i stopped talking to because i felt so betrayed by them)... also because sometimes they leave me hanging, or look at me in a weird way... i feel so alone... i always feel like i only have my own... i am trapped in my mind because that's the only place i am really safe and unjudged"
- anonymous
omg i am the SAME WAY.
ive managed 2 get close enough 2 sum ppl 2 convince myself thats not the case, but esp whenever i have a friend that i dont hang out w much or cant talk 2 much due 2 schedule differences, i always feel like ppl dont like me :(
its a deep deep hole thats rly hard 2 dig urself out of but im getting there, nd i believe that u can 2. nd if u find out that there r sum that DO h8 u, those r NOT ur friends.
i rly truly understand exactly how u feel, nd i rly hope u can find ur way out of that thought process bc it is SO SO damaging
if u ever need 2 reach out nd talk, im ALWAYS open nd would luv 2 :)
"im actually SUPER in love with u i bet you had NO idea:3"
- my amazing partner, abe <3
im n luv w u 2, dork.
"in 4th grade i stood on the toilet to see a girl (she wasn't in a stall, but was washing her hands) she saw me, told her teacher, and it still weirds me out. I don't even know why i did it- it was like an impulsive thing but yeah :p"
- anonymous
kids r weird, kids will do weird things...
that would def b a LOT worse XD
"Ok so it’s kind of a long story but I’ll type it.
So I’m super into vkei and just jrock in general and my dad is a huge fan of all the bands I like, however I made up a rule that he isn’t allowed to do his own research on the bands (for reasons I’ll let you assume) and I am his only source of information. I abuse this. I’ll lie about what the lyrics mean, I’ll tell stories about the members but leave out important details that I don’t want him to know (once again for obvious reasons) and I’ll occasionally even tell complete and total LIES about the most random stuff just because I think it’s funny. He’s broken this rule multiple times but thankfully it’s all just fun and games. He has absolutely no idea about some of the ATROCITIES these bands have done. I hope that’s funny enough"
- ☆ jas
LOL rly LYING 2 ur dad ab the bands he likes
u say "reasons ill let u assume" "obvious reasons"
"i love my boyfriend i want her to explode"
- anonymous
this is so v real.
i can get behind this.
"one time i was taking a shit and i ran out of toilet paper, and the only place there was toilet paper was in my parent's room across the hallway. so i walked out (pants down for obvious reasons) and grabbed the toilet paper. i've only told a few people this and it was anonymously. i have no shame."
- anonymous
ready 4 sumthing im ab 2 tell u completely NOT anonymous?
this happened 2 me once. at skool.
i had 2 take a shit, nd only afterwards did i realize there wuz NO toilet paper n the stall.
no1 else wuz n the bathroom either, so i couldnt ask ne1 2 get toilet paper 4 me.
i had 2 waddle my way n2 a different stall. nd just HOPE nd PRAY that no 1 walked n.
most terrifying moment of my life.
"when i was around 8 or 9 i had a major crush on a dude that devolved into me finding his address by stealing his lunch payment slip when he was absent, memorising his family car license plate, befriending his little sister and finding out his apartment number and repeating his full name as a mantra for the last year that i knew him. he became my reason to attend school, what i thought about 24/7, who i'd stare at in class all day and pray to be grouped up with even though i'd obviously never interact with him normally. we were never more than neighborhood/classmates w parents that knew each other, all i ended up doing was leaving him a short note saying i liked him (anonymously) which he read on his last day at the school, i also moved to a different country.
looking back on it now it was a very weird moment in my life? reminds me of how when i was about 7-ish not too long before i'd clung on to a lock of another crushes hair for the entire day so i could stick it in my journal when i got home. honestly, i think i've dialed down quite a bit since then even after gaining access to social media and tracking down the first dude. i think i was more bent on feeling "closer" to the people i was interested in back then bc i was a bit of an odd kid, ig i still am but minus stalking. anyways omg yayyy such a fun confession!!!!"
- anonymous
u all nd ur crushes were INSANE
i didnt have a crush until 6th grade nd i wuz NOTHING like that... LOL
she nd i were already friends so maybe that impacted my lack of stalking ???
regardless i cannot imagine doing this... LOL
"i suck my tghumb like ababy every time i go sleep"
- anonymous
honestly.. this is so real
id b lying if i said ive never caught myself sucking my thumb
i think 4 me its usually more part of agere, but regardless if it comforts u wuts the harm
"My dad cut off all contact with me when I was about 3 years old (I'm 15 btw) , him and my mom were never together so I was just an accident. Recently my curiosity overtook me, and I ended up finding his instagram. I followed him, he even followed me back, and would just watch my stories from afar. I was too scared to send the first message, until one day I saw on his instagram story that he has a daughter who's maybe six years old, and he was biking with her. It broke me because I was once his daughter, teaching myself how to ride a bike, but he wasn't there for me. I unfollowed him, blocked him, pretended I never tried to get into contact with him in the first place. I guess there's no point in "confessing" this, I've already made my decision to stay away from him, but it's been eating me up inside. How could a man who still to this day pays child support, just fully be okay with having a 15 year old daughter that he hasn't seen since she was 3, just out in the world. On one of his posts he was in front of this mural in the city I live in, a mural that I've passed 100s of times on my way to my friends house. It kind of schocked me how close we must live. I could've passed him on the street and neither of us would've recognized each other."
- anonymous
omg... thats terrible
as sum1 who also had a father who wuznt there 4 them growing up, i cant imagine how much itd hurt 2 find out that he was raising a different child...
im so sry that happened, nd i dont blame u 4 not wanting 2 contact him nemore :(
"i once wrote a yandere sim fanfic"
- anonymous
LOL... i remember being SO n2 yansim when i wuz n middle skool
luckily 4 me i never wrote ne fanfics surrounding it, but GOD i luvd that stupid game...
the only thing on my mind... wut chars were the fanfic ab ??? u cant just leave me hanging here :/
"one time when i was a child i went to the funeral for my fathers childhood friend and went down to the basement with some other kids while he talked to people, and we ate some the food that was meant for the family. i didnt know that the food was not meant for everyone bcus i was like 5/6."
- arcade !!
ive never been 2 a funeral where the food wuz JUST 4 the family...
...unless i have nd i just keep eating the family's food
no 1 has ever told me otherwise...
the food at my dad's funeral wuz 4 evry1!! i guess that makes up 4 all the family food ive taken... XD
"so I ate my dogs food and it tasted good"
- anonymous
i have a few questions.
y did u do that???
wuz it wet food or dry food???
wut r ur STANDARDS on food bc i do not believe u that it tasted GUD...
r u OK???
(S/A tw)
"when i was young i was molested and bc i was so young i did it to someone else not realizing it was wrong, even though it has been like 4 yrs my family still calls me gross and treats me like shit for it
to be fair i never told them i was molested and still havent coz i dont think they will believe me at this point"
- anonymous
i think this 1 just depends on how old u r NOW
4 yrs ago isnt that long unless ur younger, nd at a certain point u should have sum common sense
if ur like 13/14, sure, i guess u couldve not known at the time
i wuz also molested at a young age nd never did i try 2 do it 2 sum1 else, so i guess i just dont c where ur coming from here
im going 2 assume ur younger still, nd rly did not know at the time
but ur family should not blame u 4 it if u didnt know wut u were doing wrong
im sry that happened nd i hope u can get 2 a place where u can move past it.
i think being honest w ur family could also help, nd if they dont believe u talk 2 a counselor or sum1 who will.
"you frighten me.. like a lot /hj"
- anonymous
OH NO... like the KEWL kinda frighten??? or just??? ur terrified of me T_T
i promise im not scary guys plz </3
"i unironically have like a super huge crush on commander tartar. yes. the TELEPHONE FROM SPLATOON… we are getting married this friday, as a matter of fact… i am so excited u guys… ur invited actually! #callietar yuri 2023 make it happen spread the word 💖"
- callie/meg 🍟
wut do i even say 2 this
ill admit, i have sum STRANGE fictional crushes
...i suppose ill b attending the wedding.
"I remember tricking these 2 girls who hate eachother to like me and trust me so i would talk shit abt the other girl to the 1st girl and then i go to the other girl to say what she said and how i was ''playing along to see what shell say'' yeah uh, one of those girls r still my firend to this day the other one is uh in a ok kinda reletionship with me."
- anonymous
omg i remember doing sumthing similar n like first grade
they ended up competing 4 my friendship i think??? idek
ig it worked bc 1 of em is still my friend nd i dont even remember the other 1s name LOL
(suicide tw)
"i used to help my friend with an online suicide cult, 8 people died because of it and i individually got 3 people outside of the cult to do it too"
- anonymous
i REALLY hope u feel more guilty 4 this than ur making it seem
if u said this nd showed remorse, then maybe id pass it off as thats FUCKING horrible please dont do anything like this anymore
but this almost doesnt sound like ur sry nd thats RLY gross ...
i also rly hope that u dont think that this behavior is ok n ne way
"i dont have any actual confessions, but i just wanna say that UR REALLY COOL !!!1 :DD"
- anonymous
if u havent already u should def reach out 2 me... im sure ur v kewl as well nd id luv 2 talk :D
(also def a v nice contrast from the last submission)
(suicide tw)
"i’ve been suicidal since 2020 and today i had nearly gone through with the plan at school, i don’t think my meds are working and i don’t want to express how i feel because i do NOT want to go back to a mental hospital. worst experience of my fucking life, plus people are leaving me in the dust already, i don’t know what i’ve done to be such an unlikable asswipe and i truly want to actually be a likable person and be more socialable, but of course people nowadays have to be assholes and spit in my face and humiliate me especially my parents, i hate my fucking life, and fuck you dad."
- anonymous
im rly sry ur going thru that :(
ive been suicidal since 2018, nd my mother always pushed it off 2 the fact that i wuz "seeking attention" so i understand how u feel
ppl have been leaving me a lot recently as well, so i can relate 2 that 2
i hope that u can figure things out nd know that im always here 2 talk if u need 2 vent ab things
ive survived multiple attempts nd i understand how hard it can b, im rly sry.
- purepureparfait
lol i know nothing ab systems or irls so i rly dont know exactly how this works;
"Gordon Ramsey is kindaaaaaa 😳"
- anonymous he is not.
"Weird Al Yankovic is 🤤🤤🤤 just watch the Germs live concert"
- anonymous
ok i dont PERSONALLY agree but this 1 i can at least get behind so
take that however ud like
"i don't like ska"
- anonymous
i do not have strong opinions on ska... so...
i guess me either?
"I ate some cheese"
- anonymous
(despite the amount of times i had 2 restart it... T_T)
i RLY hope this wuz as enjoyable 4 u as it wuz 4 me :D
nd overall TYSM 4 PARTICIPATING !!
doing these things is so fun 4 me bc i get 2 involve all of u n them so i rly appreciate u filling out the form, even if it wuz rly simple
thank u :D
i hope u enjoyed
AND FINALLY a couple confessions from me
when i wuz n 1st or 2nd grade, i knew the word "penis" but until i wuz verbally corrected i wuz under the impression that the alternative 2 this wuz "pagina"
i dont even know how i came 2 that conclusion...
n 8th grade, a friend nd i were skipping class n the bathroom
(dont do this guys go 2 class)
he saw sumthing weird stuck 2 the wall of the stall behind us so he nd i both went n there so he could show me
rite as we did this, we heard sum1 walk n
i dont know y we thought that would work
there were rumors of us making out n the bathroom 4 the rest of the yr T_T
so there u go.
those r all of the confessions.
thx sm 4 reading XD
Displaying 3 of 3 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
lana <3
this was literal therapy
glad u think so
by silas ☆; ; Report
About the question about what the bands have done: just watch the malice mizer merveilles l’espace live version of “Illuminati” and that should basically sum it up. They are WILD sometimes so I always gatekeep that kinda thing
this was AWESOME to read!! are you gonna make more parts soon?
omg i totes could... if i could get enough submissions 4 it :')
by silas ☆; ; Report
LMAO!!! you could add a link to it on your about me and maaaaybe repost the form on a bulletin for every friend milestone/just at a time when lots of people are online!!!!!! that'd be REALLY fun
by clifford; ; Report
OK!! ill figure smtn out :)
by silas ☆; ; Report