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Category: Friends

confessions !! (pt. 1)


i have started this THREE TIMES bc TWICE i got like halfway thru nd then accidentally deleted EVRYTHING i had written…

that being said...

here we r… (finally)

wut uve all been waiting 4...

without further ado...

(sorry i just wanna b dramatic)


"i think im a trans femboy and im a minor whos parents are against minors coming out as lgbt :( should i wait until im 18 to come out/transition???"

oh no D:

this is supr tricky bc its all v situational.
i cant promise that ne advice i give u will help but ill try my best.

first, if u have ne close friends irl that u trust, it mite b gud 2 tell them first so that u can speak ur mind + they will probs know more ab the situation/ur parents than i do.
as much as id like 2 give u advice, getting it from a close friend would probs b more beneficial.

if ur close + comfy w ur parents, it mite b gud 2 try nd explain things 2 them 2 try 2 get them 2 understand, but if not, u have a couple options

u can let them know how u feel nd ignore their opinions, which i recommend (AS LONG AS u will not b put n danger by doing so)
u know ur identity better than NE1 else nd no 1 should have the ability 2 tell u who ur.

u could ALSO wait until ur 18 2 tell them how u feel, esp if telling them early could put u n danger. 
im not sure how old u r now, so im not sure how long of a wait that would b 4 u.

IDEALLY u can get them 2 listen nd support u even if they dont agree, but again evrything is v situational nd could go so many ways.

"when i was a small child i went on movie star planet and i called someone a crybaby and sobbed for hours because i thought the police were going to arrest me for being a cyberbully and my life was going to end... i was a weird child"

LOL this TOTES seems like sumthing id think as a kid...
idk if kids r stupid or we were just stupid kids

at least u felt bad ig?? XD

"i have a crush on my boyfriend i love him sm and i don't wanna loose him please don't tell anyone if you tell then uh... idk what i'll do"

dont worry, ur secret is safe with me o7

"i eat things off of the ground for money sometimes, its never made me sick though."
anonymous u mean food? or r u just shoving leaves nd sticks n ur mouth???

the answer 2 that GR8LY impacts how i should judge this

"i cant use because the thought of me myself being with a fictional character makes me uncomfy"
lobotomy patient

this is TOTES fair
theres something so uncanny about forming a bond with sum1 who doesnt exist…
i totes understand where ur coming from

"i had a crush on the robot from umizoomi 4 years ago"

i dont know how old u r NOW
but this is v funny nd v concerning


“i had sex with a man 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢”
doodledust 😼

…im so sry 4 ur loss.

"When I was younger I was obsessed with this guy (in like 4th grade) I forced him around me stalked him (by stalking I mean following him around the playground on breaks) I tried to cut his hair once during class and I was rightfully caught I just was so heartbroken when I finally realized he didn’t love me OR LIKE me so ever time I spot him I feel awkward/guilty..



i cant imagine how awkward that would make things now yeah
esp if u havent talked 2 him much since then??? omg…

im so glad i never did nething like this i would never b over it

im sry ur dealing w this LOL

"i am inside your walls and the next thing i'll say is: "balls""

oh my god…

do u need nething??? u submitted this 5 days ago 
plz dont die n there that would NOT smell gud… 

"i dated a 20 year old man when i was 11 and he stuttered over text when i broke up with him"

i cant even IMAGINE
a full grown man stuttering over text bc his 11yo partner broke up w him…

omfg LMAO DX

"i have never tried a McDonalds chicken nugget before"

no fucking way

go 2 mcdonalds. rn. get urself a 6pc.

this is a demand. uve gotta.

"koishi best touhou and sukune best len'en"

uhm… guys…

i know nothing ab touhou OR len’en
sum1 else is gonna have 2 respond 2 this 4 me



i assume most ppl do???
i dont think its gud NOT 2 if u need 2…

"sometimes gay ppl piss me off!"

lmao?? yeah?? me 2??

y did u even submit this

ur not OBLIGATED 2 like all gay ppl

if ur pissed at them BC theyre gay then yeah thats fucked up but
if it has nothing 2 do w them being gay then y did u even mention it… T_T


absolutely not. next.

"the thing is...

omg… can i tell u a secret

u cant tell NE1 i mean rly its gotta stay between u nd me

…me 2

"Um um my secret is . youre mother gay"


"yk when u needa fart in public u try to hold it in by standing still. i was doin that and was standing next to this dude then my friend came and picked me up and i let out THE SQUEAKIEST fart ive ever did"

yknow im rly not sure how 2 respond 2 this 1
…im sry that happened 2 u(?) XD

"i used to fake taking my health medication because i didn't know how to take pills and was too embarrassed to say anything about it. This backfired horribly and i nearly died 😭😭"



first off im glad ur alive.

i guess take this as an example of wut NOT 2 do
just go ask sum1 how 2 take pills… XD

"i dream about having an absurd amount of money just so i can commission every artist that i see so they can draw gordie from pokemon

everytime i get too excited theres a 70% chance i will fall out of my chair

i actually kind of find it funny when people have NO IDEA of what im talking about idk its just funny coz ill be like explaining an obscure game i like and theyll just not know whats going on

i've listened to kubbi over 15+ hours straight once

thats it thank you very much"
- SWiRL!

ok theres a lot 2 get thru here

if i could draw men i would draw gordie from pokemon 4 u
unfortunately i cannot… so… sry 4 that

the excitement thing is totes understandable… sumtimes its just 2 much 2 keep n XD

it IS rly funny when ppl dont know wut im talking ab… esp if ive gone WAY 2 n2 detail ab a game or show im hyperfixating on nd i just get that guilty blank stare bc they were trying so hard 2 keep up but i went so far off track… TvT

nd finally i do not know who kubbi is… so i do not know the true strengths of ur feat i apologize </3

"i literally sharted the other day and i just pretended that i didnt so i didn't get made fun of"

ok… but were u N PUBLIC???


if u were home nd cleaned it up yeah wutevs like obv u STILL SHARTED but thats at the v least excusable

but if u were just WALKING AROUND LIKE THAT???

"I used to steal a lot when i was younger. I stole a lot from my elementary school including a big ice cream squishy, a huge eraser, book marks, cool pens, hot wheels, etc. and I would give them all to my  sister as gifts. Iv'e stolen a keychain once from an auto shop that had a metal skull on it. I got caught once stealing a my little pony from Walmart by my dad. I used to purposely leave my lunchbox in my 5th grade classroom at lunch so I could go in the class while no one was there and flip off the desks of kids i didn't like and switch around things in desks and even hide things from my teachers desk around the class. I have more stories but this is just too long already lolz"

omg… i stole SM as a kid…
i remember stealing from my elementary school a lot nd maybe a couple things from stores but i dont remember stealing much from other kids?

either way i totes understand u… 
just rebels from a young age ig… XD

"I think i have a crush on my teacher :p"

that is... not gud.
i have 2 assume ur a minor, so that means ur either n middle skool or highskool

i rly hope by "crush" u mean sumthing playful nd childish nd not an ACTUAL crush bc thats rly not a situation ud wanna b n

ive never had a crush on a teacher, nor do i think i will, so im not sure how 2 help u out there

"I confess that I once stole 2 euros and a piece of chewing gum from a classmate in 5th grade, am definitely going to hell fo this one 🙏🙏"

omg... i cant believe u...
hope ur ready 2 BURN n HELL !!! LOLZ

"I'm really obsessed with a game. to the point i play it every day but i don't play the full game every day i spend at least an hour on it."

this is totes fair, ive had that relationship w media b4
sumtimez u just play things daily, i dont c nething wrong w that as long as its not keeping u from doing other things occasionally :)

"This is just a childhood memory am sorry if it's a long one

So I was a first grader at the time (so maybe 6? 7? Can't remember) and I was enrolled in this ESL (English second language) class with a few other classmates. Well that class taught me absolutely nothing other than "if you don't put a period at the end of your sentence, it will get sad" and I didn't want lil bro getting sad so I always made sure to put the period at the end. 


One day I tried communicating to the teacher not once, not twice, but THRICE about wanting to go to the bathroom really really bad. 1st time she told me to wait, 2nd time she told me to wait again and my gosh I was struggling, gripping on my pencil hoping she'd just say "nevermind, you can go" that did not happen. But here comes the third time of me asking. Yes...there was a third time, BUT ONLY AFTER I PISSED ON THE CHAIR! It was embarrassing to sit on my chair as the teacher kept talking and talking. I sat there helplessly, not knowing how to tell her that I had pissed on the chair because of her. As you can tell, I definitely was a goody two shoes, never wanted to be in trouble but what did I get? Pissed on my dress and on the chair. I hate you, Ms. Walsh.
Lin ☆


id h8 that teacher 4ever 2 if i were u...

i dont understand how teachers have the rite 2 deny students 2 use the bathroom ESPECIALLY IF THEYVE ASKED SEVERAL TIMES???

she deserved 2 have her classroom pissed on smh

im v sry u had 2 piss urself n class

fuck u ms walsh.

"i had a crush on steve from blues clues"

like? as a kid? bc thats totes understandable

i didnt have a crush on steve from blues clues but i can get behind ur thought process

not on-topic but steve wuz originally supposed 2 be a heartthrob character
like the "boy-next-door" trope

but the guy who ended up playing steve wuz SO LUVD by kids that they just threw that idea away LOL

"I've had the biggest fattest crush on my best friend for yrs and i cant say anything bc he's in such a happy relationship lol :( So i got myself a boyfriend to cope with it but it doesnt do anything to help if anything it makes it worse"
that is A LOT 2 unpack.

i know it might b hard 2, but i think the best thing 2 do n this situation is 2 b honest w evry1 involved, bc the longer u let it sit the worse its gonna go when it happens

by the sounds of it, ur not w ur current bf bc u rly LIKE him, but 2 try 2 distract urself from how much u like ur friend

staying w ur bf isnt gonna b gud 4 u OR him

if ur not ready 2 tell ur friend that u have feelings 4 him, thats ok, but i think u should def tell ur bf the situation bc if not evry1s just gonna get hurt.

if u need 2 reach out 2 me, i can always talk if u need more advice

i hope u figure things out :(

"i used to have chronic acne and would eat the scabs out of pure enjoyment. they would taste slightly salty and crunchy…i am so sorry"

OH??? MY GOD???
i dont even know wut 2 say 2 this.

i just absolutely cannot relate 2 this at all.

r u ok?

i am speechless.

"that's not really interesting but one day a guy asked me my insta because he found me pretty and i gave it to him (he said he wanted us to know eachother). when i told one of my friends about that, and the fact that he absolutely wanted to see me again, she said he prob wanted to date me or something. i never told him i was lesbian and the convo we had on insta were hella akward bc i think he didn't actually want to know me better

+ i hate men"

i H8 when this happens...
im so bad w social cues nd intentions nd ill b so excited that sum1 wants 2 b my friend only 2 find out that they want 2 d8 me ://
+ i h8 men 2

"I still like kid shows- (ex: blue clues and bluey) theyre comforting:(("

ME 2 !! theyre so fun
u def shouldnt have ne shame n it
if it makes u happy thats wut matters :D

"My ex girlfriend started dating someone 2 days after we broke up, it hurt so much and I really don’t know why. We hadn’t dated for an extremem amount of time, but I really loved her, I miss her so much."

im sorry D:
i totes understand how it feels, watching sum1 that ur still attatched 2 move on so quickly can SUCK !! i hope u get 2 feeling better :(

"all my active frenz gon know who i am but i NEED NEED NEED LEON SCOTT KENNEDY. LIKE GUYS ITS NOT NORMAL I NEEEED HIM. LIKE ALL MY BRAIN IS, IS LEON 24/7 ITS NOT HEALTHY ANYMORE LIKE EVERYTIME I SEE HIM I JS FEEL LIKE TURNING INSIDE OUT AND EXPLODING IT IS JS HCIBKEEC LIKE I HAVE NEVER FELT THIS WAY FOR ANYTHING EVER HOLY SHIT HE IS SO FINE LIKE GUYS GUYS LISTEN. LIKE LISTEN. ok like listen. there is TOO MUCH i would excuse this man for its not normal. like u could tell me sum gross nd id be like yeah das gross but in my head ill always be like "if it was leon tho😀-" LIKE ITS NOT HEALTHY ANYMORE GUYS. not even gon lie not a night goes by that i dont think ab him even like when yk a guys gotta do what he gotta do IM SORRY I JS HAVE GET THIS OFF MY CHEST I WOULD TEAR MY CLOTHES OFF FOR HIM SO SO SO SO SOOO FAST LIKE I NEED GENUINE HELP. dont even get me started on the different mods.. i could take all of them :3 (not in a fight). BUT LIKE THIS IS SO SERIOUS GUYS LIKE ILL NORMALLY BE LIKE "i want him😍" BUT THE EXTENT TO WHICH I WANT THIS I WANT THIS MAN IS NOT NORMAL. LIKE I REALIZE THAT ITS NOT NORMAL BLUD HES ALSO LIKE OLD ENOUGH TO BE MY DAD DAWG😭😭  ND I WANNA SAY SM MORE but i dont wanna scare people away tew much.. nd this is long.. sorryyy (ˉ▽ˉ;) IM NORMAL I PROMISE IM NORMAL TRUST 😁"

im just gonna leave this 1 as is. i dont think there is nething i could say ab this that would make ne difference.

"when i was really young and i wanted to be cool and alternative, i would take my belts and buckle them as tight a i could around my torso. NOT EVEN MY WAIST. so i would we struggling to move because my belt was so tight around my abdomen. i thought i looked SOOOOO COOL"

LOL i totes wouldve done this as well...

im sure u looked SO AWESOME w ur movement restricting torso belts <3

"tbh i was abused by my family in middle school and i really wonder what id be like if i wasnt."

i had a similar experience so i understand where ur coming from
im sry that happened :(

"are you. homo"

...i am...

"We used to live in poverty and didnt have any water sources so we left the dogs to clean the dishes"

ive never been n a situation like that but i cant judge u at all, esp w the condition u were living n
judging by the "used to" i assume ur better off now nd im glad 4 that

(S/A tw)

"One time in middle school, this girl I didn't like started talking to me. She got attached to me quickly and started oversharing things about herself within the first week of us speaking- one of the things being that her brother had violated her. I was shocked that she shared that with me, despite only knowing me for a week and I tried to sympathize with her. Later, she confessed to me and I didn't like her like that because she was weird. Because she was rejected, she started spreading a rumor that I was gay and that's why I didn't want her (I mean I am gay now but still). In retaliation to the rumor, I then proceeded to tell our whole grade about her and her brother. She changed schools shortly after. I know I'm supposed to feel bad and I feel bad for not feeling bad because only I knew about her secret at the time, but I just remembered that she fetishized me a lot because I was Asian (would objectify me a lot) and probably only liked me because I was Asian, so how about them apples"

ok while i agree u PROBS shouldnt have told evry1...

she seems like she was a pos LOL i dont blame u

oddly enough read this 1 out RITE after talking 2 my partner ab this girl at their skool who fetishizes asian ppl so v on-topic !!

def dodged a bullet there regardless...

"so like the head of pe at my schools so fucking hot like hes an actual dilf and his son also likes me too so like yeah"

LOL... i mean hey do ur thing
(dont rly)
(that is a joke)

"i have a bottle of vodka in my closet that i keep in a fabric toy barn held together by velcro with stuffed farm animals and hay and stuff"

...those farm animals r getting FUCKED UP.


i dont know wut 2 say 2 this i know nothing ab kokichi

"im tired of pretending that my med works, everbody is so glad of me cause i get ''better'' but i literally lying for like 8 months, it's so suffocating cause i really dont feel comfortable to tell that i wanna make bad things with me again."

i understand not wanting 2 tell ppl, but i promise they wont b upset w u
nd if they r, they have no rite 2 b.

the best thing 4 u 2 do is b honest, let ppl know how ur feeling, wuts goin on.

i hope u get thru this :(

this wuz 2 long 2 fit n 1 blog, so click here 4 part 2 !!

25 Kudos


Displaying 8 of 8 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

Death ⛧

Death ⛧'s profile picture

can I steal this idea? this seems so fun actually.

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Pops's profile picture

Wait why is this actually entertaining to read I’m invested.

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LOL im glad ur enjoying

by silas ☆; ; Report


Cutelittlestrawberrysandc...'s profile picture

This is so intresting and intertaining fr

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ursa's profile picture

these are so fun to read (when they're funny ofc, won't laugh to something serious :( ) and i actually saw mine and i think i needed to hear that someone could relate to that ig ? (i was the one saying that a guy came to me asking my insta and wanted to date me but i'm lesbian blah blah blah)
well, i'm autistic (that's prob why i just thought he wanted to know me better) and i felt so stupid when my friend told me he probably just wanted to date me or something T T like that's why the girl i was with said something like "oooh" when the guy left
like fr, i hate when i don't get certain things like that T T

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AHH I TOTES GET THIS !! im autistic as well nd its rly hard 4 me 2 read intentions nd i usually dont think twice when ppl ask 4 my socials T_T

by silas ☆; ; Report


august's profile picture

those farm animals were definetly getting fucked up but i drank the rest of the bottle yesterday (and threw up like 5 times) so no more vodka for the farm animals

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Lin ☆

Lin ☆'s profile picture

There was def a lot of things to unpack on the confessions LMAO

Thank you 4 doing this BTW!! It was really fun and I liked reading all of them :3

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im glad u enjoyed, i enjoyed going thru them :)

by silas ☆; ; Report

SnootleBoop 🍉

SnootleBoop 🍉's profile picture

Where can we confession

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omg wait ill get the link... i didnt think ab the fact that since i made it a blog instead of a bulletin i can just edit it l8r

by silas ☆; ; Report


ihartpauldano's profile picture

some of these are really funny!

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