Do u consider blood disgusting ?

like visualizing some blood on someone's wrist or thighs or neck, Would u consider this thought disturbing? if so, how does it feel like?

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~ Star ~

~ Star ~'s profile picture

I find some places to be kinda ehh, like if there's blood on certain body parts, it can make me rlly uncomfy, but altogether, I think blood looks rlly pretty !

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Do u mind sharing with me what body parts would be too weird?

by ALEX; ; Report

Mostly just stuff that's like, triggering for obv reasons. Neck, wrists, ankles. But also, provided the blood isn't coming from those parts, it can still look nice on them

by ~ Star ~; ; Report

I will take this into consideration, Thank u sm!

by ALEX; ; Report

idk what you're considering, but okie !

by ~ Star ~; ; Report

shit, you are right! I'm currently including blood in my artwork bc I have always believed that blood is beautiful but people hating gore so much and finding it disturbing made me rethink about whether or not I'm actually gonna do it. I don't want to seem weird or disgusting for doing that so Im tryna have different viewpoints from people to be confident enough to post it. I will take the idea of triggering seriously bc I don't wanna hurt anyone, so I'm thankful :D

by ALEX; ; Report

Oh, ye, it's a lot of being careful with what people are comfortable with. But also I have some,, weirder opinions on blood so maybe get some more perspectives >w<

by ~ Star ~; ; Report