Occultism is embedded in all branches of the establishment. Isn't it obvious? If not it should be.

Not that all occultism is necessarily "evil" but it certainly can be intended as such. We are literally walking through swarms of symbolism and most don't even give it second thought. Look at the dollar bill for heavens sake, how much more obvious can it get? I don't even need to put on the "They Live" sunglasses anymore. Yet many people wouldn't even see the truth with the glasses on. I can drop seeds to lead the equestrians to the fountain of knowledge but only they can drink from it before metamorphosizing into a sheep. Perhaps some clockwork orange style tactics are in order for some folks to open their eyes to the reality of what is going on. Or maybe some red pill tranquilizer darts. Alas they still aren't ready so maybe I'll refrain from shouting about smoking guns concerning 9/11 and the plandemic...for now.

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