If you have been around my page for a while, you may know that I do a lot of book reviews. Its come to a point where I actually changed a part of my bio to no longer say that I am no longer on SpaceHey to learn more about HTML and CSS. More-so, I just genuinely like the platform, and how primitively healthy it has been for me to interact with. Granted I don't really explore SpaceHey beyond my page and a couple of blogs on customizing your web page.
Recently I have gone through a lot of book review, and will soon be doing another very soon. Part of this has to do with the fact that I like reading and I want to keep updating this page. However, another part has to do with that fact that my library is/was currently holding a reading contest. This contest involved us reading 5 books and doing 1 activity (I made a vinyl suncatcher, which is cool, but I should probably learn how to use it sometime).
For this blog, I want to take my time to say a few parting thoughts regarding each book I read, including the ones I didn't finish. Done in chronological order (I Think).
Oh my god this was long. I never fully read a textbook before and after this I think I'll stay away from doing that. This took up a majority of my time within the contest duration. That being said, given the recent state of discourse, I think reading this was for the best. If not for coming back, but for me to strive to become a critical and ethical thinker in day-to-day life.
This was the second book I picked up, and it seems good. The reason why you don't see it on Goodreads is because I don't really do photography right now. The thing is, this book covers a wide range of cameras, but I only have a disposable one right now cause that was what was recommended to me at a local camera shop. The book doesn't cover disposable cameras. Still, might be a good read.
This may well shape up to be my recommended book for the year. Short, yet concise and gets all of its points across. As someone who wanted to contribute more to society but didn't know where to start, this book helped me define what I wanted to fight for, even if it doesn't align with the author's personal values. A definite recommendation for me.
This is just a fine read in general. If you ever needed to read some kind of book, have nothing to do, or are just interested in the author cause you know him, consider picking this up. My second favorite out of all books I read.
This book ended up not being for me. Though I wouldn't say it was a waste of time. It helped make me find out more about my present condition even if said condition wasn't Binge Eating. Also, it helped reinforce health and wellness lessons that I could've forgot.
My review of this book will come up soon, however I can say this is a fine resource to have, if not for the relative simplicity of having everything privacy and security related in one form factor as opposed to the overwhelming amount of privacy resources on the internet of varying qualities. Not saying the same problem exists in books, or that this book is better than others. We'll get into those in the first reads on this book.
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Just to let you guys know, I will be slowing down my entries as I get into the thick of work again. Perhaps it could be one or two entries per month, I am not sure, but let it be known that I won't be quitting this anytime soon!