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Category: Life

Pathetic mainstream publications attempting to debunk "conspiracy theories" and the current state of awareness.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to have all of the answers or have the complete picture of what is going on. Then again, who does at this level? We are not omnipresent in our 3D form and do not possess the means for such. However, something that I am sure of is that you will remain deceived and clueless solely relying on mainstream media and the institutions for knowledge. They are nothing but puppets to the globalist establishment. It's dangerous to become too rigid in one's beliefs, as I see it that can result in goosestepping lemmings marching off of a cliff.

I saw another one today. The disconnect between the fabrication that is being projected by MSM and what is actually occurring in reality is staggering. It seems some people don't give second thought to the core source of what is feeding them and keeping them "informed", namely the establishment themselves. Then of course we have the nanny state "fact checkers" and "fight disinformation" campaigns. We also have the "re-education" camps. The truth is everyone in this society has been duped, manipulated or brainwashed in varying degrees but who would actually put their ego aside to admit this? I for one will admit that yes I have been fooled before. However, how much longer must we continue to perpetuate this global hypnosis? Honestly it is painful to exist in such a naive, insincere and immature society. It makes me want to consider seeking cryogenic freezing or hibernation in stasis until a time when humanity has grown up (half joking). Although I need to remind myself that I am here for a reason. Perhaps to set an example and encourage awareness and sovereignty through conscious and subconscious means. Humanity is destined to mature but it needs some help, it is inevitable and I will witness this in some capacity whether in a future incarnation or through a meta dimensional perception.  
People are waking up but it's a very gradual process which makes it difficult for people like me. Patience is not one of my strengths.

I have spoken about this all before but maybe it's worth reiteration.

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