Today's Reading 24/07/2023

24 Jul 2023

Today I'll be using my Autobike deck.

King of SpadesQueen of SpadesSeven of Hearts
My cards today are the King of Spades, Queen of Spades, and Seven of Hearts.

King of Spades
- Next to Queen of Spades (right): Marriage; the other card touching the king becomes a silent; it does not speak.

Queen of Spades
- Next to King of Spades: Two very bad cards make a very good omen. It means a fundamental change of character – turning from evil to good, finding conscience and generosity in people that are neither trustworthy, nor generous. It also means a happy relationship of two people, who previously were profoundly lonely and unhappy.
- Next to Heart (right): A woman jealous of you will soon set a trap for you.

Seven of Hearts
- Next to Spade (left): Rivalry. – Boredom.

The vet came back for the rest of the goats today. Everything seems to have gone well.

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