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Category: Life

People need to be reminded they're talking to another human being

I felt making a blog like this was overdue, based on both personal experience and from what I've seen online. The title says it all really, some people seriously need to be reminded they're talking to human beings. This applies to talking to people online of course, but I'm mainly talking about in real life. Specifically, service workers, so people who work in food service, retail, or anything else of the sort. For whatever reason there's just some people who cannot comprehend that they're actual people and not just machines programmed to kiss their asses and do everything perfectly. Because I've seen way too many videos of workers getting treated like shit from bitchy and entitled customers all because they did one thing wrong, they got their order slightly wrong, or some other minor bullshit they feel like throwing a fit over. It feels like (to some people, not everyone) whenever a worker puts on their uniform, they're seen as being below everyone else, like they're supposed to bend over backwards to every little demand someone has. And for the most part people don't get paid enough to deal with that shit, and generally have other crap to worry about. Plus the potential for them to be generally overworked and stressed out does not help much in that department either. Then people have the nerve to get upset if they show even the slightest attitude or annoyance (and I don't mean people who are outright hostile or yelling at customers, that's different), which gives em an excuse to treat them like shit (see that one dickface who guilt-tripped me that I talked about in a previous blog I made). Like I saw this video of this guy who felt the need to go on this rant to a McDonalds worker all because he was essentially in a hurry and rushing his orders (at a drive thru at a FAST food place no less), and the worker just had to stand there and listen to his bullshit, potentially holding up more customers all because this dickface wasn't treated like a god.

I know most people aren't like that, but it's that 5% of people who just make me lose faith.

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sophiaa's profile picture

Seriously! ive had so many people just walk up to me and shove money in my face without saying a word, sometimes they'll grunt one word and glare when I can't read their mind. I've had at least four people today in three hours alone throw a fit when I don't break rules for their outlandish requests (I had a guy ask me to lower a $470 order down to under $300 but to keep everything the same, couldn't take anything out, and then complain when I couldn't because "we've done it before").

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Luxury Gore

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