Bed bound day eight... uh, lets go?
If you haven't figured out by the rest of my profile, I am a millennial. the youngest possible age to still be a millennial, but I don't personally relate to gen-z. love them to pieces, and have multiple lovely gen-z people as my partners. but there are plenty of times that we have to translate some of our references and slang XD I had a gen-z friend who told me that I am the only person they know who still uses ROFL while texting. so. I'm definitely a millennial.
All that to say, expect that a solid 75% of the things I say are quotes or echolalia from youtubers, movies, books, vines, or friends. I'm kinda like a parrot that way.
whether that is the autism or the fact that I am a millennial I don't think anyone knows tbh
So back to the whole bed bound thing. I am finishing up day eight now, and I went to the hospital today. Got no answers, as per usual, but got some meds to try at least. We'll see if that breaks the bed bound streak I'm on or if I keep this train a-goin .-.
being bed bound sucks, for so many reasons, but the main problem I deal with is loneliness. it's just super isolating to be stuck in bed all day. Thank the gods for internet am I right?
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