⛧Local Void⛥'s profile picture

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System Members

~⛧~ System Members! ~⛦~

System members (you are here!)

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listed with the emoji they use when starting a post, their name, a brief description, and pronouns. links in names take you to that system member's blinkie collection.

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🩻 Alice/Bastard (it/x/vae/he) Alien goth songtive of "Body Electric" by Sisters of Mercy. Symptom holder, including Cotard's and addiction.

🌻 Ampersand/Amp/Hyacinth/Marwood (ey/they/he) Former protector and trauma/anxiety holder, currently serving as a caretaker and comforting presence. Very fond of psychedelic or 60s/70s music and art. Fictive of Marwood from Withnail and I. Prays to the Sun.

🌍 Arthur (he/co/e/vi/they) Fictive of Arthur Dent (Hitchhiker's Guide). Holder of some symptoms, neutralizer of others.

🪶 Astrius (it/he/star) The guardian void angel of our system who guides us in positive directions and healthy pursuits. Is in a close relationship with our guardian demon, Draxien.

🐟 Carrie (cat neos/xe/any). Fictive of Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman). Manager alter.

🎹 Chrome (he/they/wave/mode) 48-year-old new wave guy who keeps things from getting too dark around here. Part of the Silent Hedges Sidesystem (who are all the same age as him).

🚬 Control/Vienna/Disorder (it/he/x) Aroace agender introject of Joy Division's discography. Enjoys talking about music as well as violence.

⛓️ Draxien (it/he/x) The guardian void demon of our system, the moon to Astrius's sun, and the one who protects us from ourselves.

🍎 The Doctor/Eleven/Lev (ey/they/he) Fictive of the Doctor (Doctor Who; mostly Eleven but sees all versions of the Doctor as themself). Oldest system member and returned after a long dormancy. Has the most knowledge of our systems inner workings.

👻 Faust (he/they/it) Angelic borzoi who maintains spirituality and parts of headspace, including a Void Church.

🌙 House (he/it/House/void/they) Void demon, anger holder, guardian of Marble (another system member).

☄️ Kaiper/834 (they/it/ey) Second oldest system member, helps maintain things. Describes self as an "apathy core" and a "living shitpost". Talks like an old-timey radio guy and finds this important enough to want to include in its entry.

💗 Mag (he/it, xe/xen/xeir) Gay lovecore kink alter with a fondness for body horror.

🎀 Marble (they/star/she) Cuteness enthusiast, new wave enjoyer, and Void witch. House is their guardian. Please do not use she/her for them if you are a non-queer gender-conforming person.

⚰️ Mori (he/they/it/x). Old horror-writing goth with substance issues, trauma, and a fixation with death. Host of the Silent Hedges Sidesystem.

🎤 Nix (it/he/x/dead). Void Prophet, Cotard's holder, performer. Part of the Silent Hedges Sidesystem. Capitalizes Nouns.

🔪 Norman/Wire/Stabby (he/it/stab/🔪) Norman Bates fictive. Very friendly. Likes horror, knives, and taxidermy. Doesn't know what he's doing.

👁️ Obelisk/Meri/Meredith/Victor (it/dead/x/he) Symptom holder, Void prophet, and goth. Talks in a formal, somewhat flat way and with the Typing Quirk that features Noun Capitalization. If the way it talks about the Void is too intense/strange/much, tell it to dial it back or stop. Also likes to hear about bugs.

🦇 Onyx (it/xe/she/any) Anxiety/trauma holder, kink alter, goth, and partner to Obelisk.

🔋 Peri (xe/xem/xyr, she/her aux). Alien mycologist with an analytical, practical mindset.

🌠 Pulsar/Stardust/Ford (he/they/star) Trauma holder. Heavily AU fictive of Ford Prefect (Hitchhiker's Guide), specifically the version from our Arthur fictive's timeline. Most of what he knows about himself currently has to do with trauma.

🚀 Quivok (they/ey/e/he/star) Alien from the same timeline as Venn. Addiction holder and caretaker.

💥 Ransom (he/it/x) Anger/trauma/addiction holder who wants to write the most fucked-up things possible. Co-host of the Silent Hedges Sidesystem. Semi-fictive of Lucas Ransom (Exquisite Corpse).

Shockwave/Wavy/Les (fae/co/x/they/she/he) Lesbian boygirl symptom neutralizer who seeks out positive distractions, especially nostalgic ones. Loves big cats.

🦑 Sleep/Squid/Somniel (it/xe/x/he) Void entity songtive of "Xleepy" (Machine Girl) that takes the form of a multi-eyed mushroom object head with tentacles. Its style of speech is not fully verbal and doesn't always follow English syntax. Other system members can facilitate communication if needed.

👽 Venn/Cherry/Nil/Darjeeling (star/ey, vi/vir/virs, he/they) One of the clowns driving this car (translation: one of the hosts). Trauma/symptom/addiction/kink holder (ey contains multitudes). (Heavily AU) fictive of Ford Prefect (Hitchhiker’s Guide). Surprisingly fond of and attached to dark media and subjects.

💌 Vexxi/Vextorath (it/she/love neos/any) Void concubus and trauma/symptom holder. Likes lovecore, cute animals, goth, and kink.

🔮 Vyvian/Blixa/Pink (x/it/ey/(h)e, he/they aux) Other host and the system member most aligned with being "the original", but also considers (h)imself a trauma holder and a spiritual alter. Gay wizard goth who writes Hitchhiker's Guide fic and loves the paleozoic.

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In-sys entities that we mention but that don't post/message:

-Gregory (he/it) Manul cat syspet, behaves like a pet cat.
-Angel (he/it) Albino teddy bear hamster, was Vexxi's pet in her timeline
-Whimsy (he/it) Pig made of void energy, Marble's pet in their timeline that House made for them
-The TARDIS/the Brainbox (it/she/any) The semi-sentient manifestation of our system's internal processes. Our Doctor fictive is in a relationship with it like he is with the TARDIS in canon (which they consider both objectum and autoromantic). We call it the Brainbox sometimes to distinguish it from the canon TARDIS.


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