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Category: Life

My dad needs to take a chill pill

Oh em gee, my dad is literally gonna make me scream either my head off or his >,>. So my mom bought a yearbook that I was supposed to pick up tdy. No prob, but I thought I needed my school ID. Now I NEVER bring my ID to school, so ofc I forgot it in my jewelry box. While my mom was driving me to skool, I told her before we left the neighborhood that I need to go grab it. But, she didn’t answer me (she’s right next to me BTW). So I waited until we dropped my brother off at his school, and I told her again. But this time she starts cussing and saying that itz MY problem (?:/). Wtv. I get to skool and I wind up getting the yearbook anyways. So that should be the end of it, right? NOPE. I get home and my dad BARGES into my room and is like “since u wanna act like an irresponsible child, I’m gonna treat you like one! No more eyeliner since you want to act like a child who doesn’t care about anymore but herself.” Like ok. But the eyeliner isn’t the main rzn why I’m complaining, it’s the fact that I forgot smth super small and they act like I just slaughtered someone. I get having more responsibility, but every1 forgot smth at least ONCE in their life. And they act like I’m such a delinquent. I don’t do drugz, I don’t go sneak out and do SUPER horrible things, I barely lie, have straight A’s, is trying out for captain of pep squad, is apart of honor societies, is a writing prodigy, has multiple Red Cross badges, ETC. but I forget 1 thing and ASKED to turn back around. I’m the bad guy and I’m an irresponsible child. ._. also the eyeliner is literally what Johnnie Guilbert does, nothing fancy. 

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