I call it period week because its the week I take off my patch and expect my period. I hope im not pregnant. I know I am extremely sensitive right now but my boyfriend doesn't even try to make me feel better... commenting on my hair when he has no idea how I get it like this. my thing is I spare his feelings all the time but mine? and he always says he's joking but it doesn't feel like that. honestly I think im just avoiding loneliness (and homelessness) by living with him. I keep thinking about leaving but ten I think about ow comforting it is to come home to him at night its the convenience that keeps me here? maybe I posted him too soon and jinked it? I told him wen I moved in tat I don't need his "jokes" right now because I am extremely sensitive right now because of my situation but does he listen? and im even more sensitive because im on my period. the problem is we're also friends and lovers so I feel like because of that he doesn't spare my feelings and jokes like he would with a friend. he's very embarrassing a lot of the time and I don't care ow I look in front of him but I still care about how other people perceive me. today I had just got done getting ready to work and he was going to walk me to the bus stop because he was going that way too. and he says why is your wig all the way up there because that's where myhairline starts and he just keeps going and it really hurt my feelings. then he comes into the room tonight and says hmm it smells like fish in here insinuating that my down there smells. when actually I just pulled off my Uggs and it was kind of hot today even though he told me it was colder today so they smelled from the sweat. like wy is e such a phallic pos but god forbid I make a comment about ow he smells or how he looks then im being mean like wtf. honestly living wit im is nice wen I've had a really long day and he's here to just listen to me talk but other times e just doesn't think before he speaks. and it hurts my feelings this I like the third time this week. but just because I am sensitive because of my period doesn't mean that e should be like tat when im not on it.
life has its problems and I get more than my share
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