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Category: Life


so you know i’m a shut in. some big contributors to that is i don’t know how to drive and my parents don’t want me leaving the house especially on my own. weird because i’m an adult but i guess they’re just a bit crazy because i’m the youngest child.

anyways i talked to my therapist about my problems preventing me from even looking for a job much less getting one, which for the most part goes to travel method and again , my parents not wanting me to leave the house. she recommended to me that i just try out using the bus by myself and going somewhere and i really wanted to do that so. i did!

surprisingly my dad had no complaints and agreed it was a good idea, my mom went ballistic though she was at work when my dad told her so i didn’t actually have to deal with her. so i went!

 it was nice, literally the weather was nice, and it was just really good to be able to be by myself in public for the first time and decide for myself what to do and where to go... the only other time i experienced that freedom was college for like. an hour at most. but since i’ve gotten my associate’s degree i’ve been completely stuck at home unable to do anything. this was really refreshing.

in the end, it was a bit much for my brain considering i had so much ability to think for myself and move more than i have in probably years, i was too tired to figure out how to ride the bus home. i also had a major headache, that lasted the rest of that day and the day after.

regardless i’m really glad i went. i want to do this regularly. hopefully i can even make a friend somehow...? i haven’t made a friend in real life since middle school so the concept is like a pipe dream to me. but i really miss talking to people.

3 Kudos


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hxlloketty's profile picture

Congrats !️ What do you wanna do next time you go out?

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thank you :) i think next time i'm going to check out this library i saw nearby, libraries are always nice

by angel; ; Report

Ch¡m¡ !! <3

Ch¡m¡ !! <3's profile picture

Very happy for you OP! I understand that feeling of having fresh air after constantly staying indoors especially after my mom started being more chill with me going out with friends and junk.

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Uberhero's profile picture

that's good progress. you should strive to spend at least an hour outside, just to catch some vitamin D, maybe hang out with your friends as well

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thank you! i don't have friends unfortunately but i'll try

by angel; ; Report

i'm really sorry to hear that... maybe you could try to find like-minded people? if you like yu-gi-oh, why not visit a game store near you and play some matches with people there? it might be overwhelming to visit an entirely new place and not knowing anyone there, but people at game stores are always willing to integrate you in their group and play games, even with newcomers. try giving it a shot!

by Uberhero; ; Report

that sounds like a good idea, i’ll try that sometime. i appreciate it :)

by angel; ; Report