159 - my neocities site!!!


kinda just a personal site 4 me & all my silly shit, but it exists!!! mostly an exercise in teaching myself html but Also (slowly) tryin 2 get all my art & creative stuff on there. just like..a hub 4 all my hobbies nd dumb shit.

it is Ugly. it loads slowly, some shit is just downright broken, and i luv it. when geocities was around i was 2 young, but i grew up w all those old marvels of web ""design"" of 90% just raw text and images. the wild west internet was beautiful nd i love neocities so much. 

id say more rn but im kinda pressed 4 time so oki BYE!!! <333 o also i hav a guestbook so sign it if u want lawl. ok bye fr this time <3

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