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Category: Blogging

“___ has a secret crush” - my sister

My sister is 7 and for some reason LOVES to sleep in my room . So togoht I let her.

I fucking kid you not she took the heart my friend made for my during valentines and told my family that the person who made it “I have a secret crush on” 

LIKE WTF?. that person is my FRIEND. 

It’s so fucking annoying that I had to basically tell my sister to fuck off and stop getting on my shit. 

Now she’s pouting in the living room over the fact I yelled at her. 

It’s so stupid that I have to explain to ppl that he’s my FRIEND. Not my bf, not some guy I have a crush on; 


Update: I talked to her now she’s crying LOL. I just basically told her to mind her business and to not go in me stuff just like I don’t go in hers. I hope she learns to not be noisy or be a mini Karen lol

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mason's profile picture

i hate heteronormative society and the fact that romance is pretty much the baseline i cannot express how much it bothers me. thats why i write so much about it

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