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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Lifelong Learner.

If you're developing any kind of skill weather it be artistic, or mechanical, I'd suggest taking the Lifelong learner (or Lifelong Student) approach. 

Hone your skills continuously, and don't rush it. Your learning never stops, even when you think you've learned all you can, there is always something else you can try.

Just take a look at virtuoso guitarists like Paul Gilbert, and Steve Vai. Paul Gilbert went from an incredible shredder playing insanely complex lines at lightening pace, to now slowing down and becoming more of a blues guitarist using fewer notes but with more emphatic expression to say so much more. While Steve Vai has had to slow slightly in his older age (and post surgery). But he has shifted from complex phrasing to complex harmony and texture. They both are still capable of doing he shred like they did before, but their focus is no longer on playing fast.

I myself have expanded outwards in my learning near constantly, learning new ways to hold my drumsticks, new scales and chord shapes for guitar, signal chain work, tech specs, rudiments, alternative tunings and so much more. The amount to know out there exceeds what I can learn in a lifetime so why not learn as much as I can and become as good as I can.

I'm also going back to learning more music theory to help with my writing. It's really not the creativity killer some people think it is. I wanna make some weird music in Locrian scale, or Mixolydian, or something...

There seems to be a stigma currently in some online circles in regards to still learning beyond a level of competence. Where the people who still have much to learn act like the have reached an apex and cannot improve further. They act like they are a Master, without understanding that a Master is still learning as their student does.

Let's all become life long learners, and become our best selves.

I'm going to continue my musical learning journey, and go back to learning video editing techniques, and maybe some marketing stuff to help put my music and videos in front of more people. I wanna improve so much, just need to make use of the time I have until I have more at my disposal.

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💖Rammy_Chan💖's profile picture

Loved reading this! I'm extremely curious by nature and love learning new things, even if it's very unrelated to my current skillset. It can be hard sometimes knowing I don't have all the time in the world to practice, but that's what makes it much more valuable. Keep improving!

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🫀 Thank you so much.
One thing I like to do is learn random little things here and there that are completely removed from my developing skills. Sometimes it helps my other skills by giving my brain a break from the same things all the time, and sometimes it creates a really wierd intersection that benefits other learning.

It's why I think schools need to rethink their curricula and examination processes up until high school. Teach us foundational knowledge, but then teach us how to learn, and develop across multiple disciplines, with at least 1 vocational skill to help us all become more well rounded. Then once we hit the later years of high school we then start to specialise further and further into our chosen paths.

by SWH (Punk Jesus); ; Report