college app season over! and so is my life.


in case you were wondering:


i'm feeling dumb

i'm feeling like i should have applied to more schools

applied to more extracurriculars/scholarships

applied myself more.


i don't know how this happened really.

i don't know what to do next

i could say fuck it become an otolaryngologist

beg a program to let me transfer next year to their program

be a business major and regret the rest of my life

something. i don't know.

i feel like a failure.

$1500 down the drain i guess

fuck the system and fuck me i guess for believing i was capable enough to get a fartsy arts degree

guess i'm not even talented enough to put myself in $150k of debt.

p.s. if you're the one theatre college that has me as an academic admit but is waiting for the universe to tell you that this would be the shittiest time to notify me of your decision to reject me from your program now would be the time. :(

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AstraGenesis's profile picture

Agreed, college app season sucks. I was actually going to apply for an arts degree, then applied for STEM last minute lol Obviously you’re in a sticky situation, and in my opinion, it just sometimes feels impossible to get what you need and/or want. Though, many great people who were great at their craft were first rejected, so keep your head up!

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sooo true about the sticky situation -
i created three back up plans because i knew this would all be far-fetched but the hard part is deciding which path to take now especially after extensively mentally preparing myself for plan a. it especially stings seeing everyone else celebrating their acceptances on all other social media. :( just waiting for it to get better now!

by the artist formerly known as sabel; ; Report