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Category: Art and Photography

Food OCs

A blog post about all my food OCs :3, it's fun making character based on food so I uh have a lot of them, I have a lot of OCs in general tbh lol. I'll also link the characters toyhouse pages. Note this is just the one's I've drawn so far I'll edit this whenever I draw more characters.

Here's the blogpost where I talked about some other lore for this OC world


Adult (mid 20s). He/him. Half-Devil. From Murra.
Mocha is kind of the "main character". He was left alone as an infant and taken in by the [church] (i dont have a word for it yet so placeholder) and raised there. He's very introverted and often stayed inside reading or doing other things he rarely ever left. When the one who raised him passed away he asked Mocha if he could go out and see the world to which Mocha agreed. Mocha has also recently begun being followed around by a spiritual projection of his biological father, Coffee, there's definitely some bitterness there. He's very logic based and by the book and tends to dislike it when things don't match up with what he knows, he's pretty sheltered.

He needs a slight redesign.


Adult (late 20s). He/him. Human. From Dulce but lives & works in Hedelma.
Honey is the other "main character". He works as a sex worker/escort and has for years now. He ends up following Mocha along after stumbling on the fact that Mocha is half devil and decided to tag along out of interest (and some self gain). He's cunning and good at acting, the kind to never let his real emotions show and he hates being seen as weak.

Honey needs a major redesign this art is /old/ like from 2016, back then he was also named Miel (french word for honey) and was part of a different OCverse so yeah he needs a pretty dramatic redesign but I decided to include him cause yknow he's a major character.

Mocha and Honey in fact are both preexisting characters that later ended up starting me making food OCs, which is probably why they both defacto became the main characters.


Adult (phys mid-late 40s, chrono older). He/him. Devil. From Murra.
Coffee is a Devil known as the black devil, he's also the father of Mocha. He's always got a grin and tends to speak with an air of superiority and jokes around a lot. That said he's quite cheerful happily pestering his son who he finally gets to see. Of course only as a spectral projection that only Mocha (and a few others) can see, the location of his real body is... somewhere.


Adult (Phys early 30s, chrono older). He/him. Devil. From Lattmio.
Mayonnaise is one of the other known devils known as the white devil. He also works as a magician with most of his magic performances involving cue balls. He and Coffee have a relationship where they pretend to get along and be polite to one another but they both actually really hate each other.


Adult (Phys 40s or 50s, chrono older). He/him. Half-Demon. From Serste/Dulce.
Eclair is considered one of the antagonist characters. He's a self declared duke with a thirst for power though he's a bit too pathetic to actually succeed so far. Back when he was younger and Serste still existed he was a part of a noble family however since Serste fell and became Dulce and disestablished any nobilities or monarchies he's essentially just a guy with a complex now. Tries to keep himself prim and proper.


24. He/him. Half-imp. From Owuckt.
Referred to as an executioner and one of the antagonist characters. He joined and works for Eclair who he considers his savior and found that he loved being a menace. He's violent and loves swinging his axe around and gets angrily excited when he meets someone he considers a challenge.

Ketchup needs a redesign his arts old I could do a better.


23. He/him. Human. From Hedelma.
A semi-internet famous guy. He posts tons of selfies of himself wearing different cute outfits and various other cute things and has amassed quite a following from it, and amassed some income from it. Despite his cheerful happy go lucky attitude he's very meticulous and can obsess over making sure he gets every detail right and he's quite people shy very rarely leaving his apartment outside of for photos.

He needs a slight redesign (probably only slight).


Pannacotta. Adult (Late 40s-Early 50s). She/her. Human. From Hedelma.
A singer who performs frequently at clubs, originally she was a drag queen and sex worker but has since quit both. She's quite happy where she is in her life at this moment and is determined to keep it that way being just a somewhat unknown singer.

Her art's old so she needs some newer one (with a skintone and to look older) but her designs the same


28. They/them. Human. From Dulce but lives in Hedelma.
Flan is an odd one, while they're quite cheerful and smiling all the time many of those who know them are quite afraid of them or at least somewhat hesitant for them. They run many of the nightclubs and such businesses in Hedelma though not in name. They're smart and always get what they want and if they can't get it themself they have connections.

Needs a redesign.


Adult (Mid 40s). She/her. Vollst Sapien. From Maustza.
Salt is the more low energy of the trio, though she's the more intimidating. She characterized by a cool icy anger, she never smiles and always gets her way. She was a skilled vollst vollst hunter though now she mostly leads around Sugar and Ice and keeps them in check while the three of them travel around.


Adult (mid 20s). He/him. Vollst Sapien. From Maustza.
Lazy in all regards except when it comes to violence, though Salt is the boss of him (often treating him like a dog) so he usually waits for her command. He's kind of just following the other two around and doesn't have much of his own goals. Doesn't talk, can make noises like going "Ah!" but doesn't use words.


Adult (early 20s). She/her. Werevollst. From Lattmio.
A nervous, clumsy girl who can't seem to do anything right. She has a tendency to break most things she touches. She isn't sure how or when she became a werevollst or that it was possible and not just fantasy but she's been struggling to keep it in check since only adding to her anxiety when her face begins to crack (the sign she's gonna transform into a vollst soon). (Note of clarity because vollsts sapiens are also called vollsts she turns into a (smaller) vollst vollst the man eating beasts not the humanoids). Has an interest in explosives.


35. She/her. Human. From Dulce.
A delivery woman. She's worked many different odd jobs over time and she can firmly say she hates work. She'd rather be chilling and will take any chance to relax much to the chagrin of her coworker Jiaozi. Her primary job at the moment is delivering resources, primarily acid batteries for generators to settlements in Maustza.


28. She/her. Human. From Lattmio.
A cute but a bit ditsy girl from Lattmio, works as a delivery person inside Lattmio and at the delivery counter leading her to often interact with Marshmallow (and Jiaozi) since they need to go through there to be allowed through Lattmio to Maustza. She enjoys her work especially seeing Marshmallow. Her head is often running with fantasies about other women and also boobs, though she'd never voice her thoughts out loud.

She needs a bit of a redesign.


Adult (late 20s). He/him. Demon. From Suantta.
Lime is the sole worker at an acid power plant on the outskirts of Suantta. He keeps to himself and is generally a hard worker, though lately he's been at odds with the mad scientist Lemon who stole his eye and her creation Orange, who has his eye. He gets along relatively with Orange though still wants his eye back and for the two to stop bothering him and Lemon to stop trying to steal the acid from the plant.


28. She/her. Human. From Lattmio.
Cheese is cheerful and can be loud and rambunctious but she's also a famous thief and a master of disguise. She first started thieving as a child under her father and quickly picked up on it.


Adult. He/him. Spirit. From Ssukerli.
Absinthe is one of the spirits and one of the younger of them, he's a grumpy recluse and tends to stay shut inside as much as possible and doesn't really get along with the other spirits. He has powerful magic but it instantly drains him of all energy so he refuses to use it.

He needs a redesign.


29. He/him. Half-demon. From Manoy.
Durian also known as Durian the 6th is the prince of the small region of Manoy, of course his family no longer has any actual governmental power only really keeping their titles for cultural reasons, which he's perfectly fine with because not interested in any of that stuff. Usually spends his time chilling in public places except when his boyfriend Cream is off work than he's with him.


Adult. He/him. Demon. From Suantta.
Custard is known for being a chill guy but very blunt, he mostly is invested in video games and finding new restaurants to try out. He ended up finding a kid angel named Donut who got attached to him and doesn't wanna go back which has earned him the ire of the angels Trifle and Parfait who often come to try to take Donut back. His fangs secrete a very mild venom.


Adult (mid 20s). She/her. Human. From Ssukerli.
Licorice's family have been the guardians of the red shrine for generations being passed down from parent to child. Licorice is the current guardian and is quite proud of her families history and in general is invested in the history and culture of her homeland. She's quite cheerful and can talk for hours without even realizing that others may not be listening. Nicknamed Lee or Red to distinguish her from the guardian of the black shrine Liquorice.

She needs a slight redesign.


Adult (late 30s). He/him. Imp. From Innli but currently lives in/near Maustza.
Still working on his lore so subject to change but Fork is one of the few remaining imps. He works as a gatekeeper and is often being annoyed by his coworkers Knife and Spoon. His job will probably involve keeping back and alerting about Vollsts getting through the gate.


34. She/her. Human. From Nucenzek.
The head Knight of King Peanut, despite that she has massive anxiety she thinks she's good at hiding it but she is not.


Adult (phys mid 30s, chrono older). He/him. Spirit. From Serste/Dulce.
A [priest] who's always drunk and kinda flirty, he's one of the oldest spirits but often tries to feign youth. Most of the people in his [church] look up to and respect him but most everyone else finds him kind of annoying and pathetic, especially Absinthe.


Early to mid 30s. She/her. Human. From Nucenzek, old Serste territory.
Marzipan may or may not be a nun probably not. She is however clumsy but is very cheerful about it and shrugs it off which can tend to make people not stand her since it seems like she doesn't even care that she messed up. Woopsie! *sets a fire*. She's gotten kicked out of and banned from many places but it doesn't bother her :D. Her pig's name is Lulu.


Adult (30s). He/she. Human. From Ssukerli.
A fortune teller living in Ssukerli, though he often says fortunetelling is fake except for when she says it's real. She's often got a grin on his face and often the things she says can be viewed as flirty but thats just how he talks. She's friends with Licorice and meets Liquorice who she also befriends.


Adult. She/her. Human. From Suantta.
Watermelon is a hunter of vollsts and one of few humans to do so and as such she's viewed as quite a scary person by most. Her hunting of vollsts also puts her in an odd position with vollst sapiens, some finding her annoying for swiping their kills and others getting along with her as a fellow hunter. She's antagonistic, sharp, and often acts as a bully, delightfully making fun of and toying with others especially those she views as weak-willed and easy targets. She does whatever she wants at the expense of others and will happily laugh at it. She seems to have an interest in Egg.
Watermelon's Toyhouse Page

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