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Food OC lore dump

I figured blog posts would be good for writing out OC lore and stuff :3. So this one's about my ocs that are all named after and designed after food. This probably won't be worded the best cause I'm not the greatest at words and speaking lol. This will probably also be long.

First of all in universe the characters are just people and their names are just names and they probably don't speak english so none of them would even really think they're named after foods. It also takes place in a world that only has one mega continent and some small islands.

The North and South of the continent are very cold and full of large dangerous man eating creatures known as Vollsts as such the areas aren't very populated and most of the settlements in and near the north and south are surrounded by large walls for protection. The south is much less populated than the north due to being even colder. The areas are also largely populated by large humanoids also known as Vollsts, especially the region that takes up most of the north known as Maustza. To differentiate the humanoids are referred to as Vollst sapiens and their relationship with Vollst vollsts is similar to that of a human and a gorilla best I can explain. Because vollst sapiens are larger and stronger they're able to live in areas more populated by vollst vollsts and can hunt them for food and resources in the harsh cold. The other people who live in these regions get along well with the vollst sapiens and tend to talk and trade with one another. Outside though most people don't have contact with vollst sapiens so people tend to be i guess hesitant towards them.

Two vollst sapiens. Left is Salt (she/her) and right is Ice (he/him). you cant quite tell but they're both tall with Salt being 7'2 (219 cm) and Ice being 7'10 (238 cm), even the shorter vollsts tend to be taller than most people. (Note vollsts dont have horns thats just on ice's mask)

On the topic of regions I haven't quite figured out every region yet but here's the ones I do have.


Takes up most of the northern region it's technically made up of tons of smaller regions that are spread out across the north but they're collectively known as Maustza.


A large region on the west coast it's considered one of the two major regions and is mostly comprised of humans. They're the only region that still has a functioning monarchy/nobility and it's very closed off so moving there is hard.


Another region on the west, bordering Maustza. Compared to other regions most of the land of Lattmio is farmland or hills. It's the kind of place where people fantasize about moving to and getting a cottage there without knowing what life there is actually like.


A region bordering Nucenzek. It's well known for it's bakeries and sweets. Since it becoming Dulce the population has continued to decline due to many leaving as the severing of Serste by Nucenzek negatively effected the economy and average living conditions of those remaining in Dulce, though it's still a romanticized place for tourists.


This region doesnt actually exist anymore, after the fall of it's monarchy part of it was taken by Nucenzek and the rest became Dulce. Despite how long it's been since it existed many modern people in the region of Nucenzek that used to be it still hold tight to the culture of Serste/Dulce.


The other major region, it's in about the middle of the continent so it gets a lot of travel through. The region is large and most of the population lives in the major city of it.


A smaller region to the northeast of Hedelma, it's technically part of Hedelma but has it's own government and stuff. It's often viewed as the equivalent of redneck territory.


The second largest region after Maustza, it takes up most of the east coast and is more populated by demons than humans, though this is the case for most east coast regions. Despite being bigger than both Nucenzek and Hedelma and having a larger population it is not considered a "major" region.


One of, if not the only, region that isn't on the continent, this is the homeland of imps, despite it's size it used to have a really large and dense population however overtime due to the island sinking many moved to the east coast of the continent. Most of the few remaining imps are from here still, though the population continues to shrink.


A small east coast region, unlike most others on the east coast it has a higher human population than demon population. It also still has it's monarchy though they're more still there for cultural reasons and show rather than having any actual governance. At one point it was apart of Suantta but they later gained independence again.


Another small eastern region this time bordering Maustza. It's known for it's religion and the two shrines it houses, and so it gets a lot of tourism for that, though many are still scared to go there due to it bordering vollst territory. Used to be under Nucenzek control until winning independence.


A small region in the south, used to be under Serste control until Serste fell. It's known for it's food, particularly the plants that originate there that have now become a part of all modern cuisine, and is often viewed as heavily religious, though unlike Ssukerli many have a negative view of the regions religions, save for those from Ssukerli as the two regions are trading partners and have historically shared many religious imports.

Also since I mentioned them I should talk about demons, imps, and also devils. Besides humans vollsts there are three other species which are closely related to one another. Imps are the original, they all originate from Innlis however over the course of thousands of years due to Innlis sinking they moved to the east coast of the continent. Overtime demons started appearing "evolving" for lack of a better word off of imps. Imps tended to be small and had "inhuman" skintones like literal white and other odd colors, they all tended to have similar thin long black tails. Demons on the other hand tend to be taller like humans and have more variety when it comes to skintones many having human like skintones moreso than "inhuman" ones, their tails also have much more variety than imps. Both species have an affinity for magic though imps moreso and demons not much moreso than humans.

Devils may have "evolved" off of demons but no ones quite sure due to how few of them there are (possibly only four known at this time). They differ from demons due to exclusively having "humanlike" skintones and no tails as well as a much higher affinity for magic compared to either imps or demons.

An imp (left) and two demons. The Imp is Fork (he/him) and the two demons are Lime (he/him) and Custard (he/him). Of note is that Fork is 4'11 and is considered tall for an imp.

The two known devils (so far) often referred to as the white devil and the black devil. Left is Mayonnaise (he/him) and right is Coffee (he/him). Unlike demons neither of them originate from the east coast with Mayonnaise being from Lattmio and Coffee from Murra, however mayonnaise' wings are a rare mutation that used to be among imps.

Demons and Imps are just considered regular people while Devils are considered a bit more mystical with some thinking they dont exist at all, and they're not the only ones. There's also Spirits who resemble humans but are considered the same way we consider the fae and are said to be immortal.

Two spirits. Left is Absinthe (he/him) and right is Chartreuse (he/him). Note Absinthe is old art and needs a redesign and isnt like tiny.

Some other beings that exist are ghosts/the undead, angels/higher beings, and some other odd beings.

Higher beings live a stranger existence as despite their names they have no actual association with any sort of gods and they all reflect depictions of higher beings from the different religions in the world. It's probably not addressed in world but the only reason they exist is because of the religions that believe in them even though they've also always existed.

Two higher beings, Trifle (he/him) and Parfait (he/him). They resemble the depiction of angels from the religion founded in Serste, now Dulce and parts of Nucenzek.

Ghosts are well ghosts. It's said most of them live in the underworld which is mythologized to be accessible near Hedelma, there they're ruled by a king.

Other beings dont quite have names they just have odd existences.

One of the primary sources of energy in the region is acid, which is processed in acid power plants that provide electricity and power to most cities and towns, though many places are looking into alternative sources of power due to the dangerous nature of acid, though these alternatives aren't always viable and so acid is still the primary source. Especially in the north where they cannot even get acid plants themselves and often rely on transports of acid batteries to keep them powered.

Acid power plants are often maintained by a small number of employees some even only having one, who live and sleep at the plant. Employees are required to go through months of studying and training to get a license to work at one of these plants and due to the solitary and dedicated nature of these jobs not many are willing to work at them, which is what leads to the small employee numbers. Many of those who do work at them are also stereotyped as convicts, homeless, the insane, and strange people, basically a job that's viewed as only done by those who could not fit into "normal society" and so this was the only job left for them.

Lime is the sole employee at an acid power plant. He is wearing the hazmat uniform for the plants. Though his is a custom made one to account for his horns and tail, something he had to pay for himself and is not normally provided.

Employees maintain the facility, check to make sure everything is in order and there's no leaks, as well as move used acid to cleaning tanks so that it can be cleaned and recycled and placed back in the main tank for energy usage. Some plants are in charge of distributing acid into batteries for transport to other regions as well as receiving and cleaning used batteries brought back after usage.

I'll add more over time but for now I think this is enough for now I'll make a separate blog post to talk about just characters. Which I'll link here when I do it.

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