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Category: Life


when it comes to understanding culture differences i feel like the vast majority of people fall really plainly into either "i understand different cultures (but doesn't actually understand outside immediate observable things like food and clothing)" or "i understand different cultures, other people in any aside from mine are basically not human keep them away from me" or lastly sees them and people within them purely as entertainment but also not human

it feels hard to find much of anyone who actually understand what it means for a culture to be different without jumping to extremes of idolization or hatred... because a lot of cultural differences comes in things that you can't really observe which is like socialization and ways of thinking/perceiving the world, just so much is really just conceptual and never spoken of since it's internalized in a way that you don't even realize that you would never really consider cultural because it's just ingrained from the society and people you're raised by

like i don't mean to act high and mighty, i just wish this was more understood and could just be accepted since that would bring a lot more peace to everyone... and the fact that it's just a bit annoying to see people refuse to accept that something as a culture difference, like a different perception of gender or sexuality in a way that can't be labelled with terms you know. that seems like a really specific example but there's so many things that people don't consider to have anything to do with culture it's hard to think of a really generalized one

does this make any sense at all, i wonder

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