toki / dude's profile picture

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Category: Life

toki has a fun day (INCORRECT)

so first thing in the effing morning i felt liek..shit. i had jus slept after bein up for 30-something hours. anywya my heart was like palpitatingĀ  or smth and i felt rly weak and shaky like i was fuckign trembling nd stuttering bc my fuckin jaw was shakin. Anyway. i was also cold liek not enough blood was getting 2 my hands and feet.

so i got my mom n we went 2 the ER real quick. and they just gave me a bag of juice bc i was effing dehydrated. but nothing was wrong w my heart & they xrayed my chest n tht was fine. i thought they were gonna do a blood test whcih. i was terrified of bc like i said previously uhhh substances. stuff tht wldve DEFINITELY shown up in a blood test. i was fucking anxious as hell. and i thought my mom wld yell at me nd i felt like shit but they Didnt Do that so uh. wtf. i got all freaked out for nothin. anyway tht took literally everything out of me and i spent all day sleeping nd watching cartoons. bc wtf. stressful. AGH. whatevr man.

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