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Category: Art and Photography


what's up. 

so I'm trying to be more active in my community by spraypainting all over my town. some may say this is a backwards view of community service but i wholeheartedly disagree. 
i'm not amazing at spraypainting, nor am i at art in general, but I like making simple ideas and just putting it places. currently i've enjoyed putting massive eyes and smiles on the backs of street signs (sort of Radiohead logo-esque grin idk really but i like it). 
i was wondering if anyone out there had any tips for an aspiring graffiti artist? 


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lem's profile picture

a tip would be to just have a notebook dedicated to graffiti, there u can practice different fonts of draw stuff you might want to add to your graffiti. it really helps keep track of your progress and ideas that you might forget. good luck in painting:)

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thank you!!

by zan; ; Report